Chapter 23

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Rachael's POV

I was sitting at my dads house watching cartoons ( don't judge ) when there was a knock at the door. I was not in the mood for people so I ignored it. The knocking got louder. I sighed and answered the door.

"What?!" I said irritated. Then j looked and saw it was Gemma.

"The guys have been arrested. " She told me and I gasped.


"For illegal gun running."
"But stahl doesn't have anything in them for that. "
"Well she must think she does. "
"Are you gonna call the lawyer. "
"Yeah I just did before I left TM"
"What did he say?"
"That he can get them out but it may take a few hours. "
"That's great." I smiled.
"Yeah, you know I was talking to jax before the arrest."
I sighed. " Not now Gemma, if your son wants to apologize he has to do it himself. Now i have a date with the gym. "
"Okay Hun but I'll send jax over when he's out. "
"Whatever. "
She sighed and left.

I changed into my gym clothes and left the house.

*hours later. *

I didn't realize how late it had gotten. I had stayed in the gym until it closed.

As i walked out to my car a police car pulled up.

Oh great what now? I thought.
Agent June stahl stepped out. Not again. I'm tired of this bïtch.

"Rachael Trager. "
"What do you want stahl. "
"I'm taking you in for more questioning."
"No, I don't have to go anywhere with you. "
"I really didn't want to do this but your giving me not choice."

I went to respond but didn't get the chance because stahl pulled out hand cuffs and cuffed me.

"You have no reason to arrest me!" I yelled angry trying to pull away.

"Actually I do. Your being charged for resisting arrest. "
"Are you freaking kidding me!"
"No I am not. "

She put me in the car and drove back to the department.

I saw Unser and yelled to him to call Gemma.

"No need I'm going to pick her up now. "She said. " And take her to an interrogation room, I'll be talking to her when I get back. "

The cop holding me took me to an interrogation room and left me there.

Great I'm gonna be here forever. I thought. I hope Gemma doesn't do anything stupid. The club doesn't need another person in jail.


Authors note: sorry this is a really sucky chapter. Next one will be better.

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