Chapter 32

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Rachael's POV

After Jax and the guys left I went back inside and sat in a booth with Gemma.

"Do you wanna go shopping while the guys are gone?" I asked her.
"That sounds great"
"Yay! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 1?"
"That's great Hun"

I drove to the diner before I went home. I was hungry and didn't want to Cook.

As I sat there I got the feeling that I was being watched.

When I got up to leave I was stopped by a bald man with neck tattoos.

"I have a message for SAMCRO. " He stated.
"Well then tell them yourself!" I snapped. I have been getting very moody lately, maybe it's PMS. Who know.
"No I'm gonna tell you. Tell SAMCRO to stop selling guns to the Mayans and the niners or else they better watch there women. Closely. " He said , then left.

It kinda shook me up. What that guys said. But I wasn't gonna tell Jax or anyone for that matter.

I went about my business like normal for the rest of the day.

When I got home I got the feeling that I was gonna be sick so I rushed to the bathroom. I threw up the contents of my stomach.

When I finished I brushed my teeth and excited the bathroom wondering why I threw up. And came up with the conclusion that it was just stress and worry from today's events.

I went to sleep earlier than normal that night, I was tired and had a long day of shopping with Gemma tomorrow so I needed it.

When I woke up the next morning I rushed to the bathroom and threw up again. Hmm maybe it's a stomach bug or something.

I looked over at the clock and it said 12:00, shït! I'm running so late. I quickly showered and got dressed and finished getting ready.

I left the house a little after 1.

When I got to Gemma's he was waiting outside.

"You late Hun. " She laughed.
"Sorry I woke up late, and felt a little sick but I'm okay now. "
"Sick? Do you need to go to the doctor?"
"No I'm fine, it was probably just something I ate. "

After a while day of shopping we finally called it. Gemma offered to make dinner for us so I drove us back to her house.

Gemma started to make steak and mashed potatoes. When I got a whiff of the cooking steak I felt the bile rise in my throat, and I rushed to the bathroom.
Gemma came in and help my hair back.

"I'm okay. " I said.
"Baby how many times has this happened?" Gemma asked.
"Umm a few times. "
"Hmm. When was your last period?"
"Gemma no... I can't be... You know.. Pregnant. "
"Yes you could, now when was your last period?"
"Umm a few months ago"
"Come on let's go get a test. "
"The hospital"


Gemma took me to the hospital and checked me in. When I was called back a nurse checked me out then told me a doctor would be in soon.

When the door opened again, Dr. Tara Knowles walked in.

"Oh great " Gemma mumbled.

"So you think your pregnant?" Tara asked.
I nodded.
"Okay I'll do some tests and let you know. "
I nodded again.

Tara did the tests then left the room.

"Do you want another doctor?" Gemma asked.
"No it's fine. "
" Are you sure"
"Yeah. It's fine, I promise. "

Soon Tara came back into the room looking through a folder.


"Good news ms.Trager your pregnant."


Authors note: sorry this took so long! But omg she's pregnant! Did anyone see that coming? Let me know what you think.

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