Chapter 5

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Rachaels POV

"Come on girl" a woman who I assume is with the man that took me said.
She roughly lifted me from my spot and shoved me out the house and pushed me onto the sandy ground.

" Hey! Don't touch her!" I heard my dad and jax yell. Oh no this won't be good. I looked up and saw my dad and jax with their guns pointed at the woman. Jax instructed happy to get me. When he did he hugged me.

Me and happy were close before I left. he was my best friend, he even bailed me out of jail in my rebellious years.

" Thanks happy" he just nods then goes to the woman that was holding me captive and punched her. it looks like he broke her nose and I tried not to laugh. He guided me over to jax who wrapped his arms around me. His arms felt nice around me. jax lead me to his bike not even letting me see my father, I guess it will have to wait till we get back to the clubhouse.

As soon as jax parked his bike my dad was lifting me off and pulling me into a hug.
"Daddy I can't breath." he loosened the hug but not by much.
" Don't kill her tig." clay said when he approached us. My dad let me go but kept me in arms length. Jax tried to bring me to him but the look my dad gave him told him not to.

" So what happened at the house?" Clay asked.
" Salazar's old lady brought her out but pushed her down so I punched her in the face." happy said.
" Well let's hope he doesn't retaliate for that, you know how prissy he can be." all the guys and me laughed.

Later that night after my dad finally let me out of arms reach I was back in another's. But this time it was jax, when we were standing his arm was around my waist, if we were sitting I was in his lap. I mean this is getting out of hand nothing bad even happened to me.

" I'm going home now." I stated.
" No your not your staying in the clubhouse tonight." my dad told me.
"What why!"
"We don't know if that little bítch will retaliate Cuz of his lady getting hurt."
I knew they wouldn't be talked out of it so I agreed.

The next day was Thursday, nothing major happened. The guys all picked on me cuz me and jax slept in the same bed. No we didn't do anything.

That night everybody was laughing and having fun not a care in our minds, when gun shots rang out threw the club house. jax immediate pushed me down again, all I could think was really again!! When they stopped everybody got up.
" Everyone ok?" Clay called.

I looked down when I felt the pain kick in.
" Jax" I whispered then fell into darkness.

Authors note: so who shot up the clubhouse? Was it Salazar or was it someone else??
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