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Gaege Pov

It is now the day of the sleepover and I'm not looking forward to it. I tried painting my nails last night, because I thought it would work, since I haven't painted them at all for 2 weeks, but it wouldn't take. F*ck soulmates. God dammit I hate this. I'll have to find a way to hide it without wearing gloves. Maybe make up an excuse that I was trying something new with the one painted fingernail? No Eddie wouldn't buy that. He's too smart. Maybe I'll just wear a really big sweatshirt that will cover my hands for most of the time. I'm lucky that I'm left handed. I grab my biggest hoodie, which is a hand-me down from Eddie actually. He grew out of it and I asked if I could have it. It's gigantic on me, but I love it none the less. Oh no, am I starting to sort of like this soulmate thing? No, I'll stop doing this. I head to school, not even waiting for the boys. I don't need them hinting anything to Eddie while I'm there. I get to school before the boys and just head to class right away. At lunch time, Eddie finds me.

"Hey dawg! Have you been avoiding me?" He asks.

"That's hilarious! Why would I be?" Because you're my soulmate and I don't want you to know.

"Well, we're going to McDonald's today if you want to join us," Eddie says.

"Nah I'm fine. I packed a lunch today." I'm just not hungry.

"Well see you later," Eddie says.

"Can't wait." Wish I didn't have to. The school day continues and I can't wait for it to end. I want to leave this hell-hole. I walk to my house with my earbuds in, blasting F*ck You, Goodbye into my ears. I don't hear the person behind me until they tap me on the shoulder and I jump. I take one earbud out and see Eddie next to me.

"Did you forget about our sleepover?" Eddie asks.

"I thought I'd come over later. I'm a bit tired and wanted to take a nap so we could stay up late." I wanted to stay at my house and maybe you'd forget.

"Well you can just come to my house now and nap there. Or we can just go to bed early. I don't care," Eddie says.

"I'd rather just nap at my house. I'll see you soon Eddie." I just want to get away from you.

"What's up with you? You're being a real jerk lately. Why are you being this cold?" Eddie asks.

"None of your business. I'll see you later Eddie," I say and walk away.

I hope you liked this. I really liked writing this chapter. Will post again later. I'll probably be with my family tonight, Christmas time! Bye guys.

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