Christmas Eve

388 16 1

3 years later

Gaege Pov

Eddie and I have now been together for 7 years now. We're both 23, and Eddie's out of college. He has a nice paying job now, and I got into a technical college. I'm working on becoming a Web Developer. We finally moved out of that terrible apartment. It was becoming run down anyway. Eddie was living there for almost 10 years, and nothing about the place was getting any better. We now have a small house, near his home because he still misses his mom. I've been waiting for Eddie to propose. In this world, pretty much right when people turn 18, they get engaged and then when they're 19 they get married. It's very rare that people are dating for more than 3 years. But Eddie and I didn't really start dating until he was around 16. So it turned the whole thing around. I don't want to propose, because I feel like that would be weird, mainly because he's the more of the male in the relationship. Sex and in regular life. So I just have to be patient. Tomorrow is Christmas, Eddie's birthday was a few days ago. (A/U Yes I know that isn't really Eddie's birthday, I can do what I please, it's my story!) I have all of the presents wrapped, mainly because I just have school now because when we moved I lost my job at Burger King and Eddie and I thought it'd be good if I'd stay out of work for a little bit, so you could say I've been "working from home". Wrapping presents is easier than I thought it would be. Eddie just finished wrapping his presents yesterday. I offered to wrap the presents he got for his family, but he said that he could do it. So while I was watching Christmas specials while sipping hot chocolate, Eddie was on the floor, trying so so hard to get his presents wrapped. Today we're going to Eddie's parents house to have a Christmas Eve party. I haven't been to his house in forever. The last time I was there was when he was 14. 9 years ago. He would go home for Christmas and Thanksgiving, but my mom wouldn't want me, so I'd just stay at home. 

"Eddie! Are you going to help?" I call.

"What do you think I'm doing right now? Sitting on my ass watching TV? No I'm getting the food out of the fridge!" Eddie yells. Christmas is always a stressful time in the year for us. I'm loading the car up with the presents, and Eddie's getting the food, but it's taking forever for him to get it. "Why did you make so much food?"

"Your family eats a lot of food! Why else? I'm not going to eat all of it! Do you see my skinny ass?" I yell. If you're wondering, our relationship is just fine. We just fight like this sometimes. You don't have to worry.

"There's already going to be a lot of food! I swear if we have to bring all of this home," Eddie grumbles as he appears in the door. 

"Finally, what was taking so long?" I ask.

"You pushed all of it to the back, I had to take everything out of the fridge to get to it," Eddie says.

"Well, there's more important stuff in there that we use everyday that needs to be put in front of the less important stuff," I say.

"Can I eat it now?" Eddie asks.

"No! You can wait," I say. "Now, do we have everything?"

"Yes," Eddie says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes! Quit acting like my wife!" Eddie says. My eyes grow wide. Eddie stops what he's doing. "Gaege ... I'm sorry."

"Come on let's go," I say.

"Gaege..." Eddie says.

"We're going to be late," I say. "You drive." I toss him the keys and get in the car. As he starts the car, I buckle my seat belt. I turn on the radio and turn towards the window. It's about a half hour drive to his parents house. About 10 minutes into the drive, Eddie turns off the radio.

"Gaege," he says. I turn towards him. "You know how much you mean to me, right?" I nod. "Then you know I didn't mean it. I love you, and I don't mean that I don't want to be married to you. Do you understand?" I nod again. "Ok, I'm sorry. I love you."

"I love you too," I say. Eddie takes one hand off of the steering wheel and reaches it out towards me, I intertwine my fingers with him and I use my other hand to turn the radio back. We drive the rest of the way to his parents house in silence. When we arrive, all of his family comes running out. 

"Gaege! It's been so long!" Brenda greets me.

"Hey Brenda and Jen," I say. I give a smile and turn to help Eddie with the presents. 

"Gaege, it's great to see you again!" Eddie's mom pulls me into a hug.

"It's nice to see you too," I say. 

"You guys don't have to do that, I can bring it in," Eddie's mom says.

"We have it handled mom. We'll be in soon," Eddie says.

"Ok, we'll be waiting," Eddie's mom says.

"I'll get the presents and you get the food," Eddie says.

"K," I open the doors to the car and get the food out. As I walk inside, everyone helps me put the food down. I thank them and then go to help Eddie who seems to be struggling. "Do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine," Eddie says.

"Ok, I'll meet you inside then," I say. Eddie comes inside a little while later with the last of the presents. I take some from him and place them next to and under the tree. We spend the rest of the day with his family. The house gets loud quickly due to the fact that Mexicans are loud as f*ck. Just as I thought, all the food was eaten. I gave Eddie a "I was right" look and he rolled his eyes. We leave with all the presents from them and the food containers. We get back to our house close to 12. We go to bed right away, not even changing.

Sorry not the best chapter. I'll hopefully get another one up tomorrow!!

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