Hiding it

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3rd person

Trying to hide a painted fingernail was harder than Gaege thought. Especially when your soulmate is constantly looking at people hands to try and find his soulmate. Gaege settled on wearing black gloves to school everyday. And only painting his nails when he had to. Because you only got a few times to paint them the same color before you couldn't anymore. Gaege had been trying to decide if he wanted to try and drift away from Eddie or not. Because it was becoming a real pain in the ass to always have his hands in his pockets or having gloves on. Eddie hadn't seemed to notice at all that Gaege was always hiding his hands. He missed seeing his best friend's hands, as they were very petite and pretty. The rest of the boys though, they had noticed that Gaege was always hiding his hands and were determined to find out why.

"I think it's because he knows that Eddie really likes his hands and he hurt them so they're ugly now," Mully says.

"No dumbass, it's because he's cold," Josh says.

"I think it's because he got his soulmate and doesn't want them to know," Grant says.

"Ah, yeah. I think Grant is right," Josh says.

"How are we going to know for sure?" Mully asks.

"We have to see his hand," Grant says.

"And how are we going to do that smartass?" Mully asks.

"We have to corner him. When he's not expecting it," Grant says. 

"Ok, when are we all free during school?" Josh asks.

"I have free period during 4th hour," Grant says.

"I think we all do. Except Eddie," Josh says.

"Ok, are we going to trap him tomorrow?" Mully asks.

"That's the plan," Josh says.

"Ok, lets do this," Grant says.

Time skip to the next day during 4th hour

As Josh, Mully, and Grant were walking together, they spotted Gaege. He had his nose in a book and was wearing gloves again today. They followed him at a safe distance, until they had a spot where they could corner him. They raced up to him and got him in a corner.

"Uh, hey guys. What's up?" Gaege asks.

"What's up with the gloves?" Grant asks, sternly. 

"Oh, these? I, uh, found them at a thrift store and I really liked them. Why?" Gaege asks.

"Because you've been wearing them every day for the past 2 weeks. What's up with wearing the gloves every single day?" Josh asks.

"I like them ok? Is it a crime to wear gloves everyday?" Gaege asks.

"Well it's a little suspicious. Take them off," Grant says.

"Why?" Gaege asks.

"Because we're your friends and if you're hiding something we want to know," Grant says.

"I don't want to!" Gaege cries.

"Please Gaege. We're worried about you. You've been really distant for a while," Grant says. 

"Fine, just please don't tell anyone else. Especially Eddie," Gaege sighs and slowly takes off one of his gloves. His ring fingernail on his right hand was painted black. Just like Eddie's. 

"Eddie's you... soulmate?" Josh asks.

"Please don't tell him! Soulmates are bullshit. He doesn't want me! He wants a beautiful girl! He wants a girl in general! Not a guy! Not his best friend!" Gaege breaks down.

"Gaege, baby, Eddie would be thrilled to have you as his soulmate. You have to tell him," Grant says.

"No, I don't. I don't have to do anything except eat, sleep, drink, go to the bathroom, and pay taxes," Gaege says and gets up. "Now I'm going to be late. Bye guys." Before any of the can stop him, he's gone.

"Well, I guess you were right Grant," Josh says.

"Yeah I was, but I can't think too much about it. We have to help our friends! Eddie needs to know who his soulmate is," Grant says. "Come on guys. We have to help our friends."

3rd part done! Hope it was good, leave a comment if you liked it!

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