Time Passes

408 15 8

5 months later

Gaege Pov

Living in the city is stressful. I still don't have a specific way to get places, I'll take the bus when I have money to spare, but I usually have to walk. Which isn't that bad in August, but some days when it's really warm, it's miserable to walk outside. The customers at McDonald's have really picked up on this summer days. College students have been filing in and out. Our cones have dropped to 59¢ so that's really brought people in. Today it's July 12th and I'm working behind the counter, taking people order's.

"Good afternoon. What can I get you?" I ask.

"A small cone and a small fry," the customer replies.

"Ok is that all?" I ask.

"Yep," the customer says.

"Your total is $1.98," I say. "You food should be out soon. Good afternoon. What can I get you?"

"A small burger and fry," the next customer says.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Uh, no one small soda as well," the customer says.

"Ok your total comes to $6.17," I say. "Your food should be ready soon. Good afternoon. What can I get you?"

"I'll get a small cone," the new customer says.

"And I'll get a medium soda," a voice that I sort of recognize says. I look up from the cash register. Eddie stands there with his head bent down, looking in his wallet. I don't recognize the woman that's with him. I quickly look at her fingernail, but it's blank. As he raises his head, I look back down. I don't think he'll recognize me, as I have gotten a few tattoos (I know I'm young, but I made some bad decisions), grown my hair out, and I have a visor on.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Yes," the woman replies. 

"Ok, your total is $3.08," I say, trying not to look up at Eddie. I don't need him seeing me here. I'm sure he has a great job in the city, while I'm working a job that barely gets me $9 an hour. As he hands me the money, I look down quickly at his hand as our hands touch. The black fingernail is still there, he hasn't made an effort to cover it up. I hope he doesn't look at my fingernail, I probably should've used my other hand. When our hands touch, I feel a little spark, but it's probably just my imagination. I take my hand back quickly and say, "Your food will be out soon." I know I shouldn't, but I still do. I flick my eyes up and look him in the eyes as he's turning. He looks like he's about to say something, but he gets pushed out of the way by the next customer. As I go back to working, I look up every now and then to see if he's left or not. I catch him looking at me 2 times, but after the second, he doesn't look at me again. Even when he's leaving, he holds the door open for his friend, and leaves, it slowly closing behind him. That night, I hang up my apron in the back and take off the visor. I know that I don't have enough money left over to take the bus, so I have to walk back to my apartment. I finally got enough money to get a bed and a dresser, but I had to work overtime. I unlock my apartment door and walk inside. I collapse on my couch and close my eyes for a good 10 minutes. I am taken out of my rest when I feel my stomach rumble. I don't feel like doing anything for my meal tonight, so I order some pizza. There is a pizza place near my apartment, so I can get it delivered. Once I finish my meal, I go to get PJs on, when I realize I have no clean ones. I sigh and grab my laundry basket. I carry it down the 4 flights of stairs to the laundry room. I start my load and then make my way back upstairs. The load should only take 20 minutes, so I grab my phone and call my mom.

"Hello, if you're trying to reach me right now, I'm probably out doing stuff. Try again later or leave a message after the beep. Beep!" I sigh as I hang up. I haven't been able to get a hold of her since I came to city. I decide to just go back down to the basement and just wait for the load to be done. I take it out of the washer and throw it in the dryer. I have to wait another 20 minutes, so I sit down on one of the benches, and turn on my phone. I've stayed in touch with Mully, but he's the only one. (G: Gaege M: Mully)

G: Hey dude, how's it been?

M: I've been fine, hbu?

G: I've gotten steady, my job at McDonald's pays well

M: Let me know if you need any help at all

G: Yep, guess who I saw today

M: Who?

G: Eddie

M: Eddie?

G: No, Bill Clinton. Yes Eddie

M: Are you sure it was him?

G: Yep, he had the black fingernail. He was with a girl though. She had a clear fingernail though

M: Ah yes, she works with him and lives with him. He's told us about her

G: Lives with her?

M: That's not what I meant. They live in the same apartment building together. And they work together at Target

G: Hmm I would have though that he would have found a better job

M: It's kind of hard to find a job at 15 and a high school drop out

G: He dropped out? I thought he would have found a high school close by

M: Nope, dropped out. He didn't see a need for it anymore

G: That was my fault, wasn't it?

M: I honestly don't know, we all suspected he'd drop out of either high school or college, we just didn't expect it to be this early

G: Well I'll talk to you later, my laundry is done

M: Bye Gaege, take care. I'll tell the others you say hi

G: Thx

I get up and get my laundry. It's dry for the most part. I get up to my room and slip my day clothes off. I slip on my PJs quickly and slip into bed. I catch myself thinking about Eddie. That's normal, I tell myself. He's your soulmate. The universe is making you do that. But as I feel myself drift off to sleep, I feel like my hatred towards him is slightly fading

Hey guys, so you know how earlier, I said that my grandfather wasn't doing too well? Well I lied. At that time he had already passed. I don't need your sympathy, I knew it was coming for a while, but the day of the funeral, I probably won't be able to post at all. I'm sorry. Luv you guys.

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