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Last part. I'm so sad to see this end!

Eddie Pov

This is it. This is the day I get married to my soulmate Gaege. I've been waiting for this day since the day I kissed him. I stand at the front of the church, with the priest, and Gaege is the one walking down the isle. He's also wearing a suit and looks amazing in it. My eyes must look like a hungry beast. My eyes drag down his body and all I can think about are unholy thoughts about what we would do tonight. Grant, Mully, Josh, Gabby, and her boyfriend are spread out on both of our sides. 

"The Catholic church weds thee. You may now say your vows," the priest says.

"Gaege I, Eddie take you, Gaege for my wedded groom, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health" I say.

"Eddie, I, Gaege take you, Eddie for my wedded groom, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health" Gaege says.

"Do you take Gaege as your lawful husband?" The priest asks me.

"I do," I say.

"Do you take Eddie as your lawful husband?" The priest turns towards Gaege.

"I do," Gaege says.

"You may now kiss the groom," the priest says. I bow Gaege down and connect our lips. There's some cheers in the audience. I connect our hands as well, the black finger nails being by each other. We each tighten our grip on our hands. We pull apart and are rushed down the isle to our cab. Once again, not using anymore money than we need to. Gaege collapses on top of me when we get into the cab. He giggles and connects our lips again.

"Took you guys long enough," the cab driver says. 

"I'll pay you 5 extra bucks if you shut up," I say.

"Deal," the cab driver says. Gaege drops his head onto my shoulder. 

"That was amazing," he sighs.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," Gaege says. We get to the reception place which isn't that special. After hours of dancing and after I learn what the surprise was (thank you Gabby), we're boarding our plane to go to the Bahama's. Gaege is almost asleep on my shoulder by the time we get inside of the airport. We finally board our plane and are lifting off. Gaege is asleep on my shoulder and I'm drifting off as well. It's time for the rest of my life to begin.

                                                                              THE END!!

I'm hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll be starting a new Gaege x Eddie one because I love that ship so much. I'll be starting that now so go check it out!

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