Enjoying It

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Gaege Pov

I wake up on the couch, Eddie on top of me, still asleep. He didn't sleep much Christmas Eve, so it's good he's sleeping now. I look down at my hand, the black fingernail and ring look beautiful together. I can't believe that I'm finally engaged to Eddie. He's not my boyfriend anymore, he's my fiance. I wonder how many people knew that he was going to propose. Probably Gabby since they're so close, and we both know she can keep a secret. Eddie stirs a bit, and I stay still.

"Morning," he murmurs against my ear.

"Hey sleepy head," I say. "How'd you sleep?"

"Terrible, why do I keep sleeping on this shitty couch? We really need to get a new one," Eddie says.

"Well, you were sleeping on top of me on this shitty couch, so I didn't sleep any better than you did," I say.

"We really should have gone back to our bed," Eddie says.

"It's your turn to make breakfast today Eds," I say.

"Eds? You haven't called me that in forever," Eddie says.

"S-sorry, it just slipped out," I say. 

"No, it's fine. I missed hearing it," Eddie says.

"I stopped saying it because you said you didn't like it," I say.

"I said I didn't like anyone saying it. You're not anyone, you're my fiance," Eddie says which makes me blush.

"Whatever Eds, it's still your turn to make breakfast," I say.

"But I proposed! You should have to make breakfast," Eddie says.

"Oh don't pull that card, or you can make your own breakfast for the next month," I say.

"Fine, fine. I'll make breakfast," Eddie surrenders.

"Thank you. Now I need to go take a shower. I'll be out soon," I say.

"Yeah, yeah," Eddie waves me off. I go and take my shower. As I take my shower, I sing to myself. Humming to a song I've had stuck in my head for a while. When I come out of the bathroom, I smell eggs.

"Ooo what kind?" I ask.

"Scrambled, your favorite," Eddie says.

"Aww, thanks Eddie," I say.

"Anything for my fiance," Eddie says.

"I don't know if you're still trying to guilt trip me, but it's not going to work," I say.

"Dammit," Eddie mutters. I giggle a bit, and take my cup of coffee.

"Are you working today?" I ask.

"No, I have today and tomorrow off. Then I need to go back to work. I do have New Years Eve and New Years off as well though," Eddie says. 

"Are we inviting the boys to our house? We haven't seen them for a while," I say.

"Sure," Eddie says.

"Has Grant found his soulmate yet?" I ask.

"I don't think so. No one with white yet," Eddie says.

"That sucks," I say.

"I'm sure he'll find them soon," Eddie says.

"Yeah, I hope so," I say. Eddie hands me my eggs and I thank him. He grabs his own and sits down across from me. 

"I'm surprised you haven't told anybody yet," Eddie says.

"What?" I ask. He motions to my hand. "Oh, not yet. I want it to be special. Does Gabby know?"

"No, surprisingly I didn't tell her," Eddie says.

"Do you want to invite her and her boyfriend to New Years?" I ask.

"Why not?" Eddie asks. We're quiet for a bit. "I love you."

"I love you too Eddie, what you said yesterday was beautiful. How many times did you rehearse it?"

"Actually, that was improve," Eddie says.

"You didn't plan that at all?!" I exclaim.

"Well, actually I wanted to do it on Christmas Eve in front of my family, but after our small fight I didn't think that would be a good idea. And you don't like to be the center of attention," Eddie says.

"Thanks Eddie," I smile. "By the way, I love the ring."

"I thought you would," Eddie says.

"It matches the black beautifully. Where did you find it?" I ask.

"I don't know, just a regular jeweler," Eddie says.

"Did you tell anyone at all?" I ask.

"Nope," Eddie says.

"How long were you waiting?" I ask.

"Almost 4 months. I was waiting for the right time," Eddie says.

"4 months! You didn't have to wait that long! I would have been happy with a simple proposal," I say.

"Yeah, but every time I thought it would be a good time, we were in public and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, because you would have been put on the spot. And sometimes when you're asked in public, people say yes, even if they want to say no. And I wanted a true answer from you, instead of an answer you didn't really mean," Eddie says.

"I see why we're soulmates now," I say. Eddie is quiet for a second. Even after 7 years, I haven't accepted that soulmates actually work, after all the fights we've had. Most soulmates never fight, much less have a fight so bad they move cities.

"Gaege?" Eddie says.


"Do you really mean it?" Eddie asks.

"Mean what?" I ask.

"About us being soulmates, do you really mean it?" Eddie asks. This time it's me who's quiet. I still don't fully accept it, but being with Eddie has been amazing, so I guess the universe was right. If 15 year old me heard what I'm saying now, they'd probably slap me. 

"Yes," I say. "I love you my soulmate."

"I love you too," Eddie says. We spend the rest of the day contacting people for New Years and planning the party and how we're going to tell them.

Ok sorry I kind of forgot to post it. I had it almost done, and got distracted, mainly because my computer died. Luv you guys!

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