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Eddie Pov

I'm sitting on my couch, watching TV, when I hear my phone buzz. I'm sure it's probably Gabby, so I ignore it. About a half an hour later I check it. It's from an unknown number. I click on on it.

Unknown number: Hey, this is your soulmate. Gaege. I know we haven't talked for almost 2 years, but I really needed to text you. I'm sure you probably still hate me, and I don't know if I've fully forgiven you either, but I just really need to talk to you, please text me back. 

I take a double take reading it. Gaege? How did he get my number? Why does he need to talk to me? Oh no, what happened. Is he in trouble? Does he need my help? Did he murder someone? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I should have checked my phone! Why did I ignore this?!

E: Gaege! Amigo! What's wrong? Do you need my help? Do I need to come there? No, I don't hate you! I'm sorry I didn't try to reach out!

I wait. And wait. And wait. Nothing comes back. Not the read symbol or the typing thing. The delivered sign stares at me. I turn my phone off and lay back on the couch. I know I shouldn't be so worried about him, but why would he text me after all this time if he doesn't really really need my help? After a few hours, I hear the same buzz. I grab my phone and punch in the numbers so hard to unlock it I'm afraid I'm going to break the phone. When I open it though, the same delivered sigh stares back at me. I sigh, I swipe over to messages and I see that Gabby texted me.

G: Dude, where are you? We were supposed to meet you with me like an hour ago!

E: Oh shit, I forgot. I'll be right there!

I close out of my phone and race to get dressed, since I was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt. Grabbing the closet hoodie I can find, I slip it on over my shirt. I race to put pants on, and realize that I've put them on backwards. Ripping them off quickly, I grab my phone and stuff it in my hoodie pocket. I get my pants back on the right way, grab my keys, and race out the door, locking it behind me. I race to the nearest McDonald's. I race inside and spot Gabby quickly.

"Dude! Why were you so late?" Gabby asks as I slide into my seat.

"I have no idea! I got distracted by a text!" I say.

"A text? From who?" Gabby asks. Shit, now I have to explain this, I think.

"Oh you know. The usual. My soulmate," I try and brush it off.

"Your SOULMATE!" Gabby yells.

"Shh! We know some of these people!" I say.

"Sorry, your SOULMATE texted YOU? When has this happened before that it's 'the usual'?" Gabby whisper shouts.

"It hasn't happened before! That's the weird thing! He just texted me out of the blue!" I exclaim.

"Did you reply? Did he reply? What did he say? What did you say?" Gabby swarms me with questions.

"Yes, no. Just that he really needed to talk to me. Asking if he needs my help, and offering anything," I say, as I subconsciously rub my black fingernail.

"He didn't reply?" Gabby asks.

"No! That's the weird thing! He texted and I thought it was you, so I ignored it, and then checked it a half hour later to find the text! I replied right away, but he was gone!" I explain.

"Has he texted yet?" Gabby asks.

"No, but I haven't checked for 20 minutes," I say.

"Check it now!" Gabby yells.

"Ok, ok," I say and take out my phone. I have no new notifications. "Nothing."

"Dang," Gabby says.

"I'm sure he'll text back later, he's probably at work," I say. We change the subject to talking about how school is for each other. We haven't been able to spend that much time together since we both have school now. As we make our way back to the apartment building, I check my phone. No new messages. I sigh and stuff it back in my hoodie pocket. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll text back," Gabby reassures me and rubs my back.

"Thanks Gabs," I say.

"What did I tell you about that nickname?" Gabby asks.

"That you love it," I smile at her.

"That I hate it," Gabby rolls her eyes.

"That's why I call you that," I say sweetly. 

"Ok, you're on your own. I have a date anyway," Gabby says.

"Wait, really?" I ask.

"Yeah! I met someone with a clear fingernail! And no, they're not 14," Gabby says. She's 20 now, her birthday was in July. 2 more months and I'll be 17. 

"That's awesome! What's their name?" I ask.

"David," Gabby swoons.

"Ooh, sounds hot," I tease.

"Oh shut up," Gabby says.

"Ok, see you later," I wave.

"See ya. I'll text you about it," Gabby waves back. I make my way back into the apartment building. I check my phone again, but still nothing. Maybe it was a mistake. He probably didn't mean to text me. He was probably dared or some shit to do it. I flop down on my couch. It's 3 in the afternoon and I have nothing to do. I have off of work today because it's Halloween. October 31st. Trick or treat. And Gaege tricked me. I lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling. I hear the buzz of my phone and slowly take it out.

Unknown number: Sorry, I was late to work. Nothing's wrong, but I just really needed to talk to you. Even after 2 years. And I'm sure you haven't fully forgiven me. I said I hated you for Christ's sake!

Gaege. He was at work!

E: It's fine. Are you sure you're fine? And yes, I have fully forgiven you

If having sexual dreams each night about you probably means that I have fully forgiven you

Unknown number: No, I'm not sure that I'm fine. Mainly because I almost broke down crying in front of the mirror if I wasn't already late for work

E: You have to work on Halloween?

Unknown number: Yes, I'm the manager

E: Oh cool, so you almost broke down crying? Are you ok now?

Unknown number: I honestly don't know

E: I know this is a little early, but do you need me to come to you?

Unknown number: I don't think that's needed

E: Oh, ok

Unknown number: Mainly because I'm outside of your door right now

Knock knock!

Ok, so this part is done, wow 1,000 words! That doesn't happen a lot! Ok I'm hanging out with a friend today so I think maybe one more part? IDK, but luv you guys!

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