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Eddie Pov

What I said yesterday was stupid. For multiple reasons. The main one is that I want to propose. I've been trying to find the right time, but there hasn't been one. I wanted to yesterday, with my family around, but 1, I said that. And 2 Gaege doesn't like to be the center of attention. He likes to more blend into the background. It's Christmas morning now, and I'm sitting on the couch. I awoke at 3 in the morning, and I couldn't go back to bed. I have the ring box in my hand now and I'm running my thumb over it. I open it slowly and look at the ring. I imagine what it would look like on Gaege's finger. I slowly close it and put it in my sleep pants pocket. I sigh and get up. I walk into the kitchen and get myself some coffee. When I got up, Gaege was sleeping like a rock, so I don't expect him to be up anytime soon. I turn on the TV, and make sure that the volume is quiet and that the door to our room is closed. There's nothing good on TV, so I end up looking at my phone, which has a million cracks in it because I haven't gotten a new in 9 years now. I was going to get a new one soon, but when I got the ring, I didn't have enough money to get a new one. I mean, it isn't bad. The phone I have now looks terrible, but it functions just fine. Gaege barely has any cracks in his phone, and his is older than mine. I got mine as a 15th birthday present. Gaege has the same one he had when he was 13. He rarely has his phone on him anyway. And even if he has it with him, it's usually turned off and in a safe place. Ugh, why am I thinking about him so much?! I turn off my phone and close my eyes. The TV is great background noise. I end up falling asleep, sitting up right on one of the most uncomfortable couches. Finding a couch at a garage sale probably wasn't the best idea. There was a reason it was on the pavement outside with a $20 price sticker. I'm awoken by the sound of the fan of the stove. I rub my eyes and get up to see what Gaege is doing.

"Surprise! I made us pancakes!" Gaege says.

"Thanks," I say. ""When did you get up?" 

"About a half an hour ago, your snoring woke me up," Gaege says.

"Was it that loud? I might need to get that checked out," I say.

"Well, don't worry about that. Merry Christmas," Gaege says. He gives me a hug and a peck on the cheek. 

"Merry Christmas baby," I say. I eat my pancakes, which are really good if I do say so myself. When I'm done I get up and put my plate by the sink. Still no dishwasher yet, so it's all hand washing. I look back at Gaege and he's giving me a sad look. "Ok, we can open up presents."

"Yay!" Gaege is still a child inside, and he loves opening up presents. He races over to the tree, and I slowly walk behind him. He grabs a present and hands it to me. "I want you to open this one first."

"Ok," I smile. 

Time skip (because I don't know what they would get each other)

After opening up all the presents, Gaege is throwing all the wrapping paper away and folding the bags and tissue paper to use next year. (A/U Why waste good tissue paper and bags? You can just reuse them!) The light is shining into the house, illuminating the Christmas tree. I have my hand in my pocket and I'm running my finger over the ring box. My heart is beating really loudly and I'm sure Gaege can hear it. Gaege is so happy right now, and I want to do it now. I just don't know how to. I've never given much thought to how I would. I just thought it would come to me, and I'd do it at the perfect time, but I've been carrying the ring with me everywhere I go for the past 3 months. I breath in and exhale.

"Gaege," I say.

"Yeah?" He turns towards me. 

"I have one more present for you," I say. No going back now.

"Ok, what is it?" Gaege cocks his head to the side. I get up and walk towards him.

"After 7 years together dating, and 20 years of friendship, I've come to love you very much. We've fought, we've cried, and we've loved. I can't imagine a life without you anymore. (A/U Sorry there are so many of these in this chapter, but this feels weird to write now that Eddie's engaged to Gabby. Well in this story, she's off with her own lover, oh and now Green Gang just came on.) Will you please marry me?" I ask and get down on one knee. I take the box out of my pocket, and open it.

"Yes!" Gaege cries, he has tears of joy rolling down his face. I take the ring out of the box and slide it on his finger. He lunges towards me, and pins me to the couch, hugging me. "Yes, yes, yes!" My face is hurting with the large smile. We end up watching Christmas specials for the rest of the day on the couch, snuggling each other and holding hands.

Ok so this is not the last part. There will be a bit more. Ok luv you guys!

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