The Next Day

375 14 7

Eddie Pov

I wake up and roll over, but I see no one there. Where's Gaege? Crap! Shit! Crap! I think the last one when I realize I'm having a party downstairs. God dammit. I go into my bathroom which is connected to my bedroom. I change as fast as I can and try and rub it out. I leave the bathroom and find Gaege passed out on the couch. I sigh when I know he didn't leave. I go into the kitchen to prepare some food. I hope he likes eggs because that's all I have right now. I'm working on breakfast when I hear the toilet flush. He must have gotten up then. He walks into the kitchen and yawns. His shirt rises up a bit when he stretches and I have to turn away. 

"Morning sleepy head," I say.

"Morning," Gaege says and yawns again.

"Did you not sleep well?" I ask.

"It's not your fault, I just wasn't tired. I fell asleep in the early AM," Gaege says.

"I'm sorry that you felt like you shouldn't have been sleeping in my bed. That was my fault," I say and scratch the back of my head, my face getting red.

"I completely understand what was going on. I'm a guy too, it's completely fine," Gaege says. I finish the eggs and hand them to him. "Thanks."

"No problem. Well it's Saturday today. Do you have to work today?" I ask.

"No, I don't work on the weekends," Gaege says.

"Dang, because I have to work," I say.

"Well, I need to get home anyway. I'll change and then get out of your way," Gaege says. "I don't have any clean clothes anyway."

"Oh, ok. I have to leave soon, so just let yourself out," I say.

"I'll probably be gone before you leave. Quick shower, get dressed, and then I'll be gone," Gaege says.

"Well, ok, bye then," I say. I'm a bit disappointed that he's leaving, but I can't expect him to stay forever. Gaege walks over to me and gives me a great big hug. I know I shouldn't but I still do, I lean down and kiss him lightly on his forehead. A blush appears on his cheeks and he excuses himself to take his shower. I still leave before him, I make my way out of the apartment, my jacket zipped up and my scarf wrapped around my neck. I stuff my hands in my pockets as I walk to the bus stop. Hurriedly, I board the bus and take out my phone and earbuds. Putting them in my ears, I play my music. Humming along to Trigger by Anne-Marie, the bus starts and drives forward to Target. Work is slow today, well not the work it's self, but working is slow. Finally the work day ends at 5. I board the bus once again to go to my apartment. I unlock the door, the keys jingling as I twist the one key. I let them clap down on the table I have by the door. The lights are off and it's dark. I flip the light switch on and take off my coat and scarf. I order a pizza, because I don't feel like going out to get food and I have nothing in my fridge. Clicking on the TV, I plop down on the couch. As I'm sitting there, I hear something in my bedroom. I freeze, and then someone comes out. We both jump, neither of us realizing that another person was here.

"Gaege! What are you still doing here?" I yell.

"I'm sorry! I decided to stay a bit longer, I hope that's ok," Gaege cowers.

"Of course that's ok! But I wish you would have texted me," I say.

"I did!" Gaege says. 

"I haven't gotten anything," I say ask I check my phone. I have a new message. "Sorry, I hadn't checked my phone since this morning."

"I'll leave if you want me too," Gaege says.

"No, no. How long are you planning to stay?" I ask.

"I'll leave tomorrow," Gaege says. "Or anytime you want if you want me to leave earlier than that."

"Gaege, I want you to stay as long as you can," I say. He blushes a little bit and then nods his head. "I'm going to go get dinner. I'll be back soon." I grab my jacket, keys, phone, and scarf. I open the door, and close it behind me, hearing it click. I walk down the steps instead of taking the elevator. When I come back from getting food, Gaege is laid out on the couch, his mouth slightly open, and a small snore coming out of his mouth. I smile and shake my head. I head into my dining room to eat, letting Gaege sleep as long as he wants. When I'm almost done eating, Gaege walks in.

"How long was I out?" Gaege asks as he rubs his head.

"I don't know. You were out when I got back," I say and eat a fry. 

"Is there any food left for me?" Gaege asks.

"Yeah, it's in the microwave, you might need to reheat it quickly," I say. Gaege beeps a few buttons and the microwave is humming to life. He sits down across from me when it's done heating up. He bites into his burger and sighs.

"Ah, I haven't eaten all day. Except for those eggs this morning," Gaege says.

"Gaege! You could have found something!" I say.

"I didn't want to go looking through your apartment. It felt wrong," Gaege says. He's already finished his burger and has moved onto shoving fry after fry into his mouth. 

"Well, next time, don't be afraid. You probably wouldn't have found anything. I have almost nothing left. I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning," I say. 

"Well then I'll leave when you're gone. I'll actually leave this time. Have to find a bus that will take me back to my apartment," Gaege says.

"Oh, I have a good one that should bring you pretty close by," I say.

"I'll figure it out later, right now I'm going to finish eating," Gaege says. We watch a movie afterwards and he falls asleep on my shoulder. I tell myself to be PG tonight and I snuggle up to sleep with him. The next morning, we both awake at the same time. He gets up and gets ready, and I just comb my hair and throw on a sweatshirt and leave. When I come back, this time Gaege is actually gone. That night it feels weird to sleep by myself.

Ok, so I'm sorry this took so long to do, I was celebrating New Years yesterday, and I kind of forgot to finish this part. Will have another one up today! Probably the last or second to last part.

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