Out On A Date

326 12 4

6 months later

Eddie Pov

6 months of being engaged. Both Gaege and I are 24 years of age. We're getting married soon. 1 month to be exact. We've already picked out the flowers and the church. Gaege isn't Christian, so it was an easy choice for the church. The most hard things have been invites, people RSVPing, and choosing the venue the reception will be at. Gaege had a place in mind, but it was over our budget. Even after he found a job. He found another one in our price range, but it was booked. The last one that we've chosen isn't the best. It'll work though. Gaege and my plan was that we'd both write an equal amount of invites, but I started slacking so he picked up my slack because he wasn't working just yet. Then when he got a job, we both fell behind. He was able to get up to where he needed, and did most of mine. Then the RSVPing has been an issue because people don't want to contact us right away. 1 month in advance and people are still just replying. Gaege and I have been a bit distant lately. I've been getting home later, and leaving earlier. So we haven't been able to spend much time together. I miss our Saturdays together where we would just sit on the couch and watch movies. Now he works on the weekend and all throughout the week, so I'm just home alone on the weekend until he gets home and then he's too tired to do anything. He brings food home for us though, which is nice. Honestly, though only thing I was looking forward to (I shouldn't have even thought about this, to hell with my mind) was Gaege wearing a dress. In my head it seemed really hot, but we're just both wearing suits. Which I mean will still be very sexy. Back to the not spending much time together, we haven't had sex for a while. (A/U This is not a smut chapter ok? I repeat, is NOT a smut chapter.) I've missed being with him. But we've both been stressed, so it's not like we're fighting or anything. I haven't seen him take off the ring one time. Today though, Gaege is off from work. It's a nice surprise, so we're going on a date. Something we haven't done for a while. We're actually going tonight, so today we're just enjoying each other's company. I'm taking him to a nice restaurant that's not too expense, but still good. 

"I've missed you Eds," Gaege mumbles into my chest. Snuggling on the couch is a nice way to pass time.

"I've missed you too," I say.

"I've hated how busy I've been. The only real time I get with you is when we're in the same bed together, just sleeping," Gaege says.

"Yeah, I kind of wish you didn't go back to working," I say.

"It was time, and I was sick of being stuck between these same walls everyday," Gaege says.

"Yeah, but now you're just stuck in the same different walls," I say.

"True, true. I'll give you that. So what're you wearing tonight?" Gaege asks, changing the subject.

"I don't know. You'll just have to wait to find out," I say.

"Ooh, mysterious," Gaege says. "I like it."

"What are you wearing?" I ask.

"I don't know," Gaege says.

"Mysterious as well?" I say.

"No, I just actually don't know," Gaege says.

"Oh, well then it'll be a surprise for both of us," I say.

"Yep," Gaege says, popping his p. We stop talking then, soon we fall asleep, his head on my chest, my head flopped backwards on the couch. A few hours later we wake up.

"We really need to stop sleeping on that couch," I grumble, cricking my neck.

"Or we could just get a new one," Gaege says.

"I'm not risking getting a shittier couch than this one," I say.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it'd be hard to top this one. Anyway,I have to go find what I'm wearing since we have to leave soon," Gaege says.

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