Chapter Eleven

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I was walking in the hallway alone on my way to the great hall for lunch. I was excited because I missed breakfast. I slept in by accident because Erin, Luna and I all forgot to set the alarm. So of course we were in a rush to get to class.

"Ali!" I heard someone yell my name, so I stopped walking and turned around to see Harry running towards me.

"Whats up?" I said when he finally caught up to me. I continued walking and he followed along.

"I have to talk to you."


"It's important, I can't tell you here." He grabbed my wrist and started running somewhere so I followed after him. We ended up in the quidditch courtyard. What the hell could be so important he takes me all the way to the quidditch courtyard for? I better not miss lunch.

"So you know how Sirius Black is after us?"

"Yeah? So?" I shrugged.

"Well it turns out...he's our god father."

"What the fuck, there's no way." I laughed.

"Believe me or not but I was in the astronomy tower and I used someone's memory and in the memory, Sirius said, 'Give Harry and Alyssa to me. I'm their god father.' I know it sounds crazy."

"Who's memory could it have been? Also why would a serial killer want custody of us?" I needed answers.

"Well it's most likely Dumbledore's memory if anything because Dumbledore gave you to an orphanage and he gave me to family in Surrey, the Dursleys. Those murders that Sirius was held accountable for, he's innocent, he wasn't the reason our parents died."

"Wait why the hell did Dumbledore give you to family and me to an orphanage? This is completely unrelated to what we're talking about, but what the hell."

"I don't know, but I'm honestly not entirely sure if it was him who gave you to the orphanage. It was just an assumption."

"Well then I'm going to have to talk to Dumbledore about it. Back to Sirius Black, what's going to happen? I mean if he's truly innocent then what was he doing in Azkaban?"

"It was obvious he got framed. I saw the testimony as well. He tried getting witnesses to prove his innocence, but clearly failed."

"That's terrible."

"I know, but I think the reason he escaped Azkaban and is after us, is because he wants to meet us so we could be together as a family, kind of."

"Who even knows that man's intentions, you don't know him and neither do I, it's best if we just avoid the situation."

"And wait for things to come to us?"

"Yes exactly."

"I don't think that's the best idea."

"I'm pretty much just saying, avoid Sirius Black because we don't know the real story. He tried to prove his innocence, who knows if he was even actually innocent. Most serial killers lie ya' know."

"I guess." He obviously wasn't happy with what I said.

"Now I have to go talk to Dumbledore so I can find out why we were separated in the first place. Thanks for letting me know about Sirius though." I walked away heading to the great hall knowing Dumbledore was going to be at the long table in the front.

I walked into the great hall speeding past everyone looking at Dumbledore, "Dumbledore I need to speak with you."

"Can this wait later? You should sit down and eat since you haven't aten anything all day."

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