Chapter Sixty Five

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~The Dream~

It was about three in the morning, I couldn't sleep that night. I was lying on my bed, resting on my back staring up at the inside of the canopy that covered my bed.

I was getting deep into thought about what happened the other night with Snape and Harry, about how our father bullied him growing up. It explained quite a lot, but what it didn't explain is why Snape protected me and Harry at certain dangerous times.

He hated our father just as much as he hates us, that part just didn't add up.

I came to the conclusion that maybe the relationship he had with our mother possibly effected it. I had to ask Dumbledore about that.

I also wondered how come there was a only a connection between Harry's mind and Voldemort's, but not mine. After all Voldemort did give me more powers than he did my brother.

The questions I had were eating me alive because I didn't have answers.

I was finally able to drift off to sleep.

I was standing on the grasslands of Hogwarts, outside of the castle. I watched the death eaters walk away, Snape was there, even Draco.

"He trusted you!" Harry screamed.

"Draco if you don't come back over here it's over!" I cried.

He just looked at me, with a broken and sad look, this lady with crazy ass messy hair put her hand on his back and forced him to walk away. I'm sure her name was Bellatrix.

I fell onto the ground landing on my knees, I was hurt, I was crying and Harry was there. He put his arm around my shoulder trying to comfort me.

Someone was shaking me, I bolted awake. I realized that the entire thing was only a dream. I couldn't explain how relieved I was to know that none of it was real.

I immediately bursted into tears, the person who was shaking me happened to be Erin. She started to comfort me trying to find out what was going on.

I explained to her the dream I had and I told her that it felt so real, a little too real.

I realized that it wasn't just a regular dream, it was another vision.

I was going do everything in my power to not let it come true though, even if I had to give into Voldemort.

Word Count: 403

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