Chapter Fourty Five

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~The Second Task~
February 23rd, 1995

Me and Draco were both together in the astronomy tower, talking about things like we always did.

"I'm worried about you Alyssa." Said Draco.

"Why?" I asked.

"The second task is tomorrow. Who knows what you have to face under water. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll get through it quick trust me, like I did last time."

"I don't know." Draco appeared skeptical.

"Do you think I can't do it?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then what exactly are you saying?"

He was silent, not knowing what to say.

"What the fuck Draco?!"

"What?! These tasks are deadly!"

"So what?! I survived that dragon! It didn't go how I expected at all! But I still did it! I'm sure a fucking dragon that breaths fire is a lot more deadly than whatever is hidden in the black lake!"


"You have doubt in me, don't you?" I cut him off.

"No I'm just worried."

"That's not how you're portraying it as! Did you feel that way about the first task?"

He nodded.

I sighed in disappointment, I could've really used his support, but I guess not.

"Fuck you." I said before leaving the astronomy tower.

He didn't chase after me or anything, I guess he was just going to leave it at that. God he was such a dick, I get that he's fucking worried, but he could at least be supportive.

February 24th 1995

I was really upset with Draco honestly, what the fuck was I suppose to do? I'm definitely going to prove him wrong though, I can do it. One thing Draco is right about though, I always need to be right.

I was walking with Erin, I'm not sure where Luna was, we were headed to the black lake. There were these boats we had to go on in order to go to wherever we needed to. I saw Harry with Neville and decided to go up to him.

"Harry!" I yelled running toward him, Erin followed after me, "You seem tense Harry." I said once I caught up to him.

He was walking backward as if he were looking for somebody in particular, "Do I?" He sarcastically asked.

I had to admit he could be a bit of a smart ass sometimes. He was holding onto this...slimy plant or whatever. Erin took notice of it as well and we both gave each other a confused look.

"What's that?" I asked.

Neville answered instead, "It's Gillyweed. It's suppose to help you be able to breath underwater."

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