Chapter Thirty Eight

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~Moaning Mertle~

I was in the unused classroom sitting on a desk waiting for Draco, he finally came in, quickly closing the door behind him.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me Potter!"

"What? I did what the fuck you told me to do!"

"Yeah you did and now Pansy is laying off on me." He was standing in front of where I was standing.

"So what are you bitching about?" I gave him a weird look.

"People think you and me are dating now. What is your brother gonna do? If my father finds out-"

"Your father probably already saw the daily prophet. I also explained to Harry that we just made a deal."

"Well I still don't need or want to hear constant questions about me dating you." Draco grabbed an old stool and sat down.

"It's not my fault Pansy came up to me when a bunch of people were around, so blame her."

"Well if people think we're together we need to break up. It's useless to try and correct people."

"That's what my brother wants, but you still have to do your end of the deal." I opened my bag to get my homework out, "Here's my homework from muggle studies." I threw a stack of papers that were stapled together onto his lap, "And here is my homework from Charms."

"You mean the work you didn't do because you were too busy goofing off with your lame ass brother."

"Yes exactly that and don't talk about my brother like that you stuck up git!" I closed my bag back up.

"So do we break up around a crowd of people?"

"Well tomorrow we have potions class, let's walk into class together yelling about random shit then I'll say it's over."

"Why do you get to break up with me?"

"Because I don't want people feeling bad for me and you're Malfoy with the cold hearted soul, nobody will ask you shit."

"Fine, what if Pansy finds out we broke up?"

"Let's hope she doesn't."

"Let's go, dinner has probably started already."

"Not together though." I got off the desk I was sitting on.



Draco interlocked my hand with his, I felt myself get nervous, but I tried pushing it to the side. The both of us started walking side by side.

We entered the great hall and everybody was staring, even the staff. We let go of hands and I stormed off to sit next to August, He was closest to me and I got nervous with all the eyes on me.

"What makes you think it's okay to sit next to me after that entrance Alice?" August bitched.

What the hell, he was never like this I was so confused.

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