Chapter Fourty Three

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~The Yule Ball~
December 25th, 1994

It was the day of the Yule Ball, I was extremely nervous yet excited at the same time. I was going to go with Draco Malfoy, but I was scared of the reactions, comments that I'd be getting. I'm more of a people pleaser, but most of the stuff I do is for myself. I can't exactly describe it, I love making others happy and I love making myself happy too I guess.

Luna was helping me do my hair, I never learned how to do hair because nobody had ever taught me. She gave me a princess braid with the front strands of my hair that tied together at the back of my hair. I know it's really simple, but I was never the person to go all out.

My makeup was casual as well, the daily regular makeup I always did along with some blush, highlighter and slightly dark lipstick.

After Luna had finished doing my hair I went to the powder rooms to slip on my dress.

Once again if this isn't your style, you are welcome to imagine yourself in any dress/clothing you want

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Once again if this isn't your style, you are welcome to imagine yourself in any dress/clothing you want.

I left the powder room to see Erin wearing a  beautiful dark blue dress, Luna had a pinkish purple dress on with layers that had layers on it. They looked absolutely beautiful.

"Aly you look amazing." Luna smiled.

"Thanks so do you guys." I said walking toward them. We left the dormitory to meet August and Draco outside of the dorm. I saw them standing together, I knew neither of them liked one another so they were both silent. Both August and Draco looked up at me.

Draco wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in for a hug, "You look beautiful as always Potter."

My heart melted at his words, something I never expected to hear from him.

He let go of the hug and the group of us started to walk to the great hall, which is where the Yule Ball was being held.

Luna didn't have a date to the ball, she claimed she'll just hang out on the side.

Erin walked into the great hall with August, Luna followed behind them.

"You ready Alyssa?" Draco took a deep breath.

"Let me do something real quick." I responded walking in trying to locate my brother, he actually wasn't far at all, he was standing next to Ron. I guess both of their dates were Padma and Pavarti.

"Hey Harry." I smiled.

"Hi Alyssa, I though you were going with August, but he walked in here with your friend."

"I know, I set them up together." I looked over to the two of them laughing with one another, it was cute I had to admit.

I looked back but turned to Ron and bursted out in laughed, "You look like a pirate."

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