Chapter Twenty Eight

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I saw this old man, he was holding onto a lantern as he walked up this staircase. He was in this dark and eerie house. I heard whispering of a man with a scratchy voice.

" my lord Voldemort."

The man walked closer to the room to see who was talking.

"Perhaps if we were to do it without them."

"No!" The man with the scratchy voiced yelled, "Those kids are everything! It cannot be done without them!"

This man with black hair up to his shoulders kneeled down by a chair, "I will not disappoint you my lord."

I felt like I was inside of the old man's body, what he was watching...I was watching.

There was a gigantic snake, slithering into the room with the open door...whispering something.

A rat looking man stood at the door entrance, starring at me. Or maybe even the old man.

That man was Peter Pettigrew.

"Avada Kedavra!" A green light struck the old man and I bolted awake. I was lying on the couch at the Weasley's.

I remembered that the other night me and Harry left the Dursley's and came over here so we could get to the train station the next day for school.

I've been having that strange dream a little too often, It concerned me a bit but I knew it had something to do with Lord Voldemort's return and that dream I had last year.

Hermione came downstairs with an irritated look on her face, but immediately changed her facial expression when she saw that I was awake, "Oh good morning Alyssa."

"Morning." I rubbed my eye with my right arm.

Molly Weasley, Ron's mother, came out of the kitchen, "Oh good morning Alyssa, breakfast is ready." She had a big smile on her face.

Mrs. Weasley was really sweet, definitely a mother I'd want.

I got out from under the quilted blanket I was using and walked towards the dining table where Fred and George Weasley were already sitting at. I sat down right across from George and picked up my fork. Mrs. Weasley made pancakes.

"There you are sleepyhead." George teased.

"Shut it carrot top." I smiled and took a bite of my pancake.

The twins were iconic honestly, the entire Weasley family was. I liked it here, everyone in the family was awesome. The youngest sibling, Ginny, she obviously has a crush on my brother. I think it's adorable, but the fact Harry's dumb ass is so oblivious to it.

Ron and Harry both came downstairs to the dining room, Ron seemed to be tired as hell.

I remembered the dream I had last year...we were suppose to go to the quidditch game tonight. That dream I had was definitely connected to the one I had last night.

"No those kids are everything! It cannot be done without them!"

Who was the man referring to? I was eager to know and I started to get visibly anxious.

"You alright love?" Fred asked me.

I looked up at him quickly snapping out of my thoughts, "Yeah, just tired." I smiled.

I had to tell Harry about the dream, but I didn't know when a good time was.

* * * *

Later that day, on our way to the quidditch game, the Weasley family were all together, but we were being led by Ronald's father. I personally had no clue how we were going to get there, but I wasn't too worried about it.

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