Chapter Seventy Four

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~The Prophecy~

"Hand me the Prophecy." Lucius said to me slowly with a calm and reassuring voice, yet it was so sinister.

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." I threatened. I had my wand in my other hand using Lumos as a source of light in this dark area.

A psychotic and maniac sort of laugh broke through in the distance getting closer, eventually revealing a tall woman with very messy curly hair and sharp dimples. I had to admit she was pretty, but that was Bellatrix, the nut that Sirius had told me about, "She knows how to play, the itty, bitty, baby. Potter."

Neville muttered behind me in fear, "Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Neville Longbottom is it?" She asked, "How's mom and dad?" She asked sarcastically asked knowing they were dead, that was quite fucked up, but it's not like she cares.

Neville answered, "Better now that's they're about to be avenged." He pointed his wand out at Bellatrix, but Harry put his arm in front of him, stopping him.

Bellatrix had her wand out as well making sure nobody threw any sort of spells at her.

Lucius very slowly put his hands up in defense, "Now everybody...let's just calm down. All we want is that prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort need me and my sister to come and get this?" Asked Harry.

"Don't speak his name." Bellatrix whispered, she eventually yelled, "You filthy half blood!"

"Bellatrix." I called out to her calmly, "Are you unaware that Voldemort is a half blood himself?"

"Shut it Potter!" She screamed at me with her wand aggressively pointed.

"Now now Bellatrix." Lucius placed his hand on her's that carried the wand, he slowly pushed it down.

I started to take notice that all of us were completely surrounded by a bunch of death eaters, I tried playing it off though as if I was listening to Lucius.

"Do you want to know the secret of you and your brother's scar? Even about the wand he holds in his hand?" He was slowly walking closer and closer to me, once he was right in front of me he tried slowly reaching his hand out to grab the prophecy, "All you have to do is give it to me, and I'll show you everything."

"We've waited fourteen years." Harry muttered.

Lucius put on a fake comforting pout, "I know."

"I guess we can wait a little longer...Now!" He yelled.

"Stupefy." All of us yelled directed to each death eater so we could get away.

We all started running throughout the aisles of many prophecies, Lucius somehow had teleported ahead of us, so we all immediately bolted down another asile.

We all split up running on our own, a death eaters face popped out of black smoke toward me. They punched me in the face knocking me down onto the floor.

I felt my nose bleeding, "Levicorpus!" I yelled, the death eater then flew backward and I got up as quick as I could.

I ended up meeting with Harry and Hermione, we were running throughout an asile casting stupefy toward a death eater who blocked out each one. They finally got knocked out by a couple of prophecies hitting them in the head.

We were all finally back together as a group that included everyone, we noticed a death eater was about to appear a bit far ahead of us, "Reducto!" Ginny yelled, a big spark of light hit the death eater and he disappeared. Prophecies started to fall from the top shelves.

"Get back to the door!" Harry Yelled.

All of us started to run as fast as we could as the shelves were collapsing near us.

We all went through the door, but there was a large hole going downward. We were all falling downward, I thought I was going to die by hitting the ground, but something caught all of us before we could.

Then we hit the ground, thankfully nobody got hurt from the fall.

I started to hear voices, coming from something that was in the middle of the room.

"Can you guys hear the voices?" My brother asked.

"There aren't any voices Harry." Hermione said.

I defended, "Yeah there are."

"I hear them too." Luna said softly.

They seemed to be coming from this...portal?

Black smoke started to surround all of us, it was the death eaters. I fell onto the ground, still holding the prophecy in my hand and my wand in the other.

After the smoke circling us all had stopped I slowly stood up only to see each of my friends being held captive by a death eater. I was in the middle standing near the portal by myself.

Lucius started to laugh, he slowly walked upward on the hill that I happened to be standing on, "Did you actually, for you are truly naive think that children stood a chance against us."

Lucius held his hand out in front of me, still wanting the prophecy that I held, "I'll make this simple, Potter, give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends including your brother die."

I looked at each of my friends not knowing what to do, I then looked Harry in the eyes who was being held by another death eater whom I didn't know.

"Don't give it to him Aly!" Neville yelled.

Lucius started to speak to me again, "C'mon Alyssa, I know you love my son dearly. Do you not realize how I'd be able to damage the relationship between the two of you. I'm his father. Give me the prophecy or you loose everything you've ever had."

I wasn't even worried about Draco at this moment, I looked around at each of my friends. They all seemed terrified in the grip of each death eater.

I placed the prophecy in Lucius's hand and watched the glow slowly fade.

I saw the portal light up for a second and revealing Sirius, my face lit up at the sight of him.

"Stay away from my goddaughter." He said sternly, he then punched Lucius in the face knocking him over. The Prophecy then broke in Lucius's hand letting out a very light blue smoke.

Chaos filled the room, death eaters going everywhere, spells being casted.

Sirius pulled me aside, "I need you to take the others and get out of here."

"No." I disagreed, "I'm staying here with you."

"You've done beautifully."

A spell was casted by Lucius, but it missed me and Sirius both. I ended up dueling with Lucius and I had Sirius on my side.

Harry came over and yelled, "Expelliarmus!" Then Lucius's wand was struck out of his hand.

"Nice one James!" Sirius said to Harry.

Harry had some sort of realization on his face, but I chose to ignore it.

"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix casted toward Sirius. I watched him slowly fade into the mist as my heart shattered piece by piece each second.

Somehow Remus Lupin was here as well, he grabbed Harry and held him as he cried.

I covered my mouth in shock, I then fell to my knees and bursted into tears.

Word Count: 1197

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