Chapter Eighty Two

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~"I forgot about you Williams"~

I woke up from my deep sleep, Nobody was in the dormitory. Which was probably the most weirdest thing to me, I got ready as fast as I could. After I was about to run out of my dorm I noticed the time on the clock said 11:35 am.

No wonder why nobody was here, I'm so late for school, but the problem is. How come I wasn't woken up by anyone?

I ran throughout the halls and barged into my transfiguration classroom loudly.

Everybody starred at me including Professor McGonagall, "Alyssa I'd very much profoundly appreciate it, if you weren't so loud entering my classroom." She smiled.

"My apologies Professor McGonagall." I went over to my seat which was next to Ginny Weasley.

"What's got you so late?" She asked.

"I don't even know." I shrugged, "I just woke up really late I guess."

After my class had ended I walked out by myself, "Alice." A voice called out to me. I turned around to see August, I completely forgot about him.

"Alice, you haven't talked to me in over a year." He stated.

I remembered how he confessed his feelings to me during my second year, "I forgot about you Williams."

He sighed, "Can we talk?" He asked me eagerly.

"Sure." I shrugged, he pulled me over to the side of the hallway, "Let's ditch our next class so we can catch up?"

I wasn't exactly too fond of ditching class with August because of everything, but maybe this would get Draco's attention. After all, he's been weird toward me and I did need to get some sort of attention from him.

Using August for that sort of specific reason may have been fucked up, but it's not like I haven't done worse before anyway.

Both me and August went to lunch together and practically I mostly just listened about his summer and the last year.

After Lunch we went to the main courtyard, we sat down on a bench. I told him all about the drama with Malfoy and along with Lord Voldemort.

He offered to help me fall out with the plan I had in mind.

I thought about it and it didn't seem to add up on how that would work, "My plan is to become a death eater August...I'm not sure if you necessarily understand the fact of how dangerous that is. I'm already wanted by Voldemort, I doubt he'd let you in as a follower."

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm only trying to help you, but if you ever do possibly need help just know that I'm always available."

I smiled, "Thanks August."

It made me feel better knowing that I had more than just a few true friends. I still had August to always be there for me, even after not talking to him for over a year, he still cares. I really appreciated having him in my life.

"Always remember Alice, that if you ever need to talk to someone about anything, I'm always going to be here. I made that promise when we were little and I'm still going to keep it."

"You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for, even though we aren't exactly best friends anymore, but you get what I mean." I explained.

"I've always considered you my best friend."

Word Count: 564

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