Chapter Twelve

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I was at the quidditch world cup with my brother and the Weasley's. We ran into Draco and his father. My brother and him had a bit of a bickering and later on we were all having fun enjoying the game. Then I was running from the Death Eaters, they were setting tents on fire chanting something. I finally hid somewhere with Harry and this man told us that Voldemort was hiding, he was coming back.

The next thing I knew I woke up in my bed, heavy breathing and sweating. I sat up and looked up to see Luna and Erin at the edge of my bed with a worried face.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Luna asked

"Yeah." I looked up at them.

"What happened?"

"Nothing big, I just fell off of a building."

I was tired, but there was no way I was going back to sleep. Ever since I was little, I would have these dreams and they would end up coming true. I was always able to predict the future, in real life and in my dreams, but when it was in real life I didn't see it I just knew it was going to happen.

I took out my diary and started to write about things happening lately. The sun was barely rising so I had perfect sunlight to see.

Dear Diary,

I just woke up from another dream, not necessarily a dream but it was definitely another one of my visions. Turns out Voldemort isn't dead, he is only hiding. I found out at the quidditch world cup, it probably was about a year from now. Draco was there, he looked older and more mature. The Death Eaters were there as well, I have no clue if Draco had anything to do with that part, but I don't know what to do about this whole thing.

It's finally the weekend, third years were going to Hogsmeade. I was doing absolutely nothing besides laying in bed writing in this stupid diary I still have. It turns out Sirius Black, the serial killer who was after me and my brother, is my godfather. I don't know why my parents chose him but supposedly for all the murders he committed, he was framed. My brother saw the testimony in the astronomy tower.

Draco has been really nice to me lately for some reason, Ron and Harry told me about his family being death eaters. Draco offered to be friends with me yesterday at around lunch, of course I declined. Even though I'd really like to be his friend, but he is most likely a death eater. He's involved with the person who murdered my fucking parents. There is a possibility he is only trying to lead me to my death. Everything is so stressful honestly, I didn't expect to be playing such a role here at a magic school.

Hagrid's hippogriff, Buckbeak, is probably going to get executed tomorrow, but Harry, Hermione, Ron and I all have a plan to save Buckbeak. Well to atleast attempt to do so. I despise Draco for it though because of the fact he is the reason for Buckbeak's execution.

-Alyssa Potter 1993

"Ali." Luna called out to me from across our dorm room, "Are you going to go with me and Erin for Breakfast? You didn't eat yesterday or this morning."

"Yeah, aren't you starving?" Erin jumped in.

"I am actually." I closed my diary and lied it on my dark brown wooden nightstand next to my cream yellow lamp. I stood up and walked with Luna and Erin.

"So what's new with you guys?" Erin asked, "My days here are always boring."

"Well, nothing really." Luna started, "I really want to go to Hogsmeade, but I'm only a second year. How come you didn't go Erin? Since you're a third year."

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