Chapter Thirty Four

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The five of us champions, Krum, Fleur, Diggory, Harry and lastly me. We were all standing together having our photo taken by a journalist for the daily prophet. It was the day before the first task, I was terrified. The lady had blonde curly hair, and these black librarian glasses, she was also wearing an ugly green dress.

"Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter." She put her hand out for each one of us to shake, "I write for the daily prophet, but of course you know that don't you? It's you we don't know. You're the juicy news."

I already did not like this bitch.

Skeeter placed her hand on Fleur's cheek, "What quirks lurk beneath those rosey cheeks." Skeeter then slapped Fleur lightly. She started ruffling both Harry and Cedric's hair, "What mysteries do the muscles mask, does courage lie beneath those curls." She walked over to me looking into my eyes, "and what secrets lie beneath those emerald eyes, what makes a champion tic, me, myself, and I want to know. Not to mention my readers."

Jeez these bitch talks a lot.

"So who's willing up to sharing?"

Everyone was silent.

"Let's start with the twins." Irritated, she grabbed both me and Harry by the arms, "Lovely." She sarcastically said. She brought us into this broom cupboard.

"This is cozy." Skeeter said getting close to my brother.

"Um it's a broom cupboard." Harry said.

"You should feel right at home then." She pushed us down and had us sit on buckets. Yes buckets.

"So tell me, mere twins of age twelve."

"We're fourteen." I corrected her.

She ignored me, "About to compete against three students and including each other, not only vastly more maturely than yourselves and have mastered spells that you haven't done in your dizziest day dreams.

Harry started to pay attention to what the magic quill was writing which caused me to be invested in it as well.

"Just ignore the quill." Rita Skeeter tried getting our attention of off it, "but of course you two are no ordinary kids of twelve are you?"

"Fourteen." I muttered in irritation.

"Story's legend, do you think that it's the trauma of your past that made you two so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament."

"Uh no we didn't enter." Harry quickly said, but appeared to be nervous.

"Of course you didn't." She smiled, it was a bitch smile though.

"Of course you didn't." I mocked her in an annoying tone.

Harry tried not to laugh.

She looked at me with a very offended look and I sarcastically smiled.

"Someone seems to have issues controlling their anger." I could tell the quill wrote that down.

She continued the conversation from earlier about us 'entering'.

"Everyone loves a rebel." She winked. "What about your parents? How do you think they would feel if they were alive? Proud? Or concerned?"

"Does it ever occur to you that you don't know how to mind your own business?" I defended.

"I'm a journalist sweet heart, I get all the deets I can."

"Well you can shov-"

Harry interrupted me because he read something on the paper, "Hey! My eyes aren't glistening with the ghost of my past."

*    *    *    *

Later I was in the astronomy tower sitting down against a wall waiting for Draco, earlier he handed me a note subtly during defense against the dark arts class telling me to meet him here at 1:00.

It was 12:50 to be exact, he should be here any minute.

I waited for a couple more minutes and he finally arrived.

"Well hello there ferret." I said as he came up from the staircase.

"Don't call me that." He huffed walking over to me.

"Why not? It's funny."

"It's embarrassing." He sat down next to me.

"That's what makes it funny."

"Whatever, have you figured out the first task yet?"

"Yeah, dragons."

"What about dragons?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but all I know is it has something to do with dragons. They have five, one for each of us."

"I really hope you make it out alive."

"Thanks, that's extremely motivational." I sarcastically nodded.

"I'm sorry, but I don't care if you win I just want you to make it out alive. That's all I care for."

"What? You think I can't do it?"

"I do, it's just these tasks are dangerous, let alone deadly."

"I know, that's why I'm scared. I wanted to enter in the first place, but I felt safe knowing that I wasn't allegedly allowed to. Considering I'm not seventeen yet, but somehow my name got into the goblet. I don't know how, but I just did."

"I believe you when you said you didn't."

"You do? Because nobody else does besides my friends."

"I was there when everyone was placing their names in there, you weren't there what so ever. There's no proof you could have."

"I was with Luna in my dorm room."

"I'm just mostly curious as to why your name was in there when you never placed it in."

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that I need to survive no matter the task tomorrow."


"Also I have a question."

"What's up?"

"Well since you are classic Draco Malfoy, how come you didn't wear one of those "the Potter's stink" badges?"

"Because not only does it refer to your brother, it refers to you."

"Yeah, but in public you're suppose to 'hate' me."

"I think negatively of your brother, not you. If they made a Harry Potter stinks badge then I'd wear it. It's also hard to pretend I hate you when I really don't."


Word Count: 944

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