Chapter Fourty Nine

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~A favor for Parkinson~

I was sitting down in a bed on the right side of the room, but Pansy was sitting on the exact opposite side of me. I didn't really need any treatment except for getting the blood cleaned up.

Except for Pansy, I ended up busting her lip and breaking her nose. I felt like I did too much honestly, the whole point was to make her shut the fuck up and not hurt her...well at least not hurt her that badly, but I guess because of the fact I had so much anger built up, that I went too far.

Apparently I had a bruise that was right under my left eye that lined along my cheekbone. My lip was busted as well, so honestly the both of us got fucked up pretty badly.

"Miss Potter." Madam Pomfrey called out to me as she was cleaning the blood off that dripped down all the way to Pansy's neck.

I looked up at her.

"You can go ahead and go to Dumbledore's office to receive your punishment, if I'm correct those were the directions according to Professor McGonagall?"

"Yeah, thanks Madam Pomfrey." I hopped off the bed and left the room.

I saw people in the hallways staring at me, whispering things to their friends. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity. I continued heading to the east towers to go see Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall was such a sweet teacher, she was one of my favorites, but because of my behavior I honestly had to have been her least favorite.

I remember when Professor Lupin mentioned last year that both me and my brother were like our father, and his talent for trouble. I had to have been worse than him. I was a disgrace to the Potter family, everyone being a Gryffindor, except for me. The stupid Slytherclaw who was ten times worse than her father's taste for trouble.

I finally arrived to Dumbledore's office, I opened the door quietly and I noticed Harry, Hermione, August and Ron together. I was even more surprised to see Draco there, he wasn't even arguing with either of them. I walked up to Dumbledore's desk ready to receive punishment.

"Well Miss Potter, these five students here including your brother tell me that you've always had trouble with Miss Parkinson."

I nodded.

"But it had nothing to do with your behavior, yet Parkinson's jealousy was the problem."

I raised an eyebrow to try and make it seem like I was confused, even though I knew what he was talking about.

"Parkinson was always jealous of the fact you were able to spend more time with Draco and especially the fact you two consider one another more than just a friend. You only acted in self defense, but you went too far."

"I'm fully aware of that." I shrugged.

"Expulsion is too harsh for you, I know you Alyssa and deep down you are kind-hearted like your mother."

"Are you trying to say that I would've been expelled even though I acted in self defense?"

"I'm explaining to you that you had gone too far, you injured Miss Parkinson in a more harsh way than normal dueling over school drama would've done. So I'd suggest your punishment is having to help Professor Snape clean up after each class for two weeks straight. Along with no fun after school activities such as Hogsmeade."

"Does it have to be Snape?" I complained.

"Yes. It. Does." Snape said.

I was surprised and I looked to the corner he was in, I didn't notice him there at all.

I huffed.

"Miss Potter." Dumbledore spoke.

"What?" I answered.

"You should thank these students here, if it weren't for them explaining the whole story, you most likely would have been expelled."

I turned to the group and smiled, a real smile this time. I was actually grateful to have each and every one of them in my life, it may have not been such a big deal, but if it really weren't for them I would have been expelled. Which is what Dumbledore literally had just explained.

I turned back to Dumbledore, "What's Parkinson's punishment going to be?"

"Well I'm going to have to expel her."

"Maybe you should give her another chance." I exclaimed.

"What?!" Draco bursted out of confusion and shock.

Harry whispered yelled to him, "Shut it Malfoy! For your girlfriend's fucking sake!"

Dumbledore ignored their remarks and looked at me, "May I ask why you think so?"

"I mean, Parkinson is only jealous. I understand. I would be jealous too, I definitely wouldn't act out like she had done, but maybe because of what happened today...She'll change her behaviors. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense here, but I feel as if expulsion is a bit much for a one time mistake that I tempted her to cause, out of jealousy."

"This is why you are like your mother Alyssa. But Alright, Parkinson will not be expelled, but her punishment will definitely be more severe than yours."

I smiled, "Thanks."

I went over to the small group and Hermione was the first person to give me a hug, I've never hugged her before. She gave nice hugs. I hugged each one of them, thanking them for what they had done.

Word Count: 894

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