Chapter Fourty Six

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~The Three Unforgivable Curses~

"The winner is....Mister Diggory!" Yelled Dumbledore.

We were still at the docs waiting for the placements to be announced, obviously Cedric was first.

"Although seeing and the Potters, if it weren't for their determination, not only did they save Malfoy and Mister Weasley, but the others as well. We've agreed, to reward them. Both tied in second place!"

Everybody started to cheer for us. I can't believe we tied.

Everyone rode the small boat back to Hogwarts together, well not everyone. Just Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione and I. Along with Draco, I appreciated that all of my friends including my brother were willing to sacrifice spending a little time having Malfoy around.

After we made it to the doc Professor Crouch had me and Harry walk with him.

"After all, your guy's story is one I've heard so many times. Quite Remarkable." Professor Crouch continued, "Tragic of course, to loose one's family, never whole again. Still life goes on, and here we stand. I'm sure your parents would be very proud of you two."

Professor Moody interrupted, "Not tryna lure the Potters into one of ministries summer internships are we?"

Crouch went up to Moody and gave him a good look in the eye, I saw his face light up with fear. Then he walked off.

"And they say I'm mad!" Moody yelled.

I shrugged it off, "Hey Harry, I need to speak with Draco, the other night things didn't go so well between us. I hope ya' don't mind."

"Go for it Alyssa." Harry smiled.

"Thanks." I went to look for Draco, he was talking with Blaise.

"Draco!" I ran up to him with a big smile on face. I noticed the leaves crunching beneath my feet as I walked, "May I have a word?"

"Uh yeah." He nodded and turned to Blaise and said, "I'll be back."

Me and Draco walked away from the school's trail and we both were standing by a tree with a thick stump.

"I think you owe me something." I folded my arms waiting for a genuine apology.

Draco sighed, "I'm sorry for doubting you Alyssa, I was worried, but I still shouldn't have doubted you. I mean you are Alyssa fucking Potter for Merlin's sake."

"Go on."

"What else am I suppose to say?"

"You know exactly what I want to hear." I leaned against the tree.

"I was wrong, you were right."

I smiled in sarcasm, I was satisfied now.

Draco smiled and rolled his eyes, "Ya' know, you are stubborn."

"I'm aware." I shrugged, "But so are you, may I hear your excuse?"

* * * *

March 2nd, 1995

I was in the class for defense against the dark arts, for some reason Professor Moody was at the front.

"Alastor Moody." He introduced himself, "I am your new defense against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story. Goodbye the end. Any questions?"

I turned to whisper to Harry, "He acts as if nobody knows who the hell Mad-Eye moody is."

"I mean it is proper to introduce yourself I guess." He replied.

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