Chapter Fifty Nine

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~"It wasn't an accident!"~

It was Thursday morning, the class was watching an enchanted paper bird fly throughout the classroom, then finally it burnt to a crisp as it landed on someone's desk.

Of course it was Professor Umbridge who made it burn into one, she just has to ruin a good mood of course.

"Good morning children." Professor Umbridge spoke as she had her hands folded at her front, with her wand in hand.

She was at the back of the classroom so everybody turned to look at her.

Thankfully it wasn't going to be the absolute worst class, I was sitting next to Draco. Which definitely was not my ordinary seat, because usually I sit with Harry, but because of that fight I had yesterday with him, I refused.

"Ordinary, Wizarding, Level Examinations." As she spoke she used her wand to write on the chalk board that was in the front of the classroom, "O.W.L.'S more commonly known as, Owls."

Her voice was so high pitched it irritated me, she reminded me of an old foster mom I use to have. Manipulative in that bitch way, but kept their tone of voice all nice and proper.

"Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

She took her wand and made a stack of books flow down the spaces between the desk, giving everyone a book.

I saw everyone's confused faces and I exchanged them with Hermione, I even looked at Draco and of course he was drawing on a piece of lined paper, paying no attention to his surroundings.

"From now on, you will be following a carefully structured, ministry approved course of defense against the dark arts magic."

Hermione raised her hand and Umbridge called on her, "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells."

"Using spells?" Umbridge scoffed, "I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

Ron spoke up, "We're not gonna use magic?"

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way." The pink bitch answered.

"What use is that? If we're going to be attacked, it's not going to be risk free." Harry responded.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class!" She slowly started to loose her temper, but she had to keep that stupid smile.

She deep down knew Harry had a point, but of course her being one of those people she can't admit how idiotically wrong she is, so instead she answers a question with something about your wrong doings.  It's a manipulation tactic known as gaslighting.

"It is the view of the ministry, out of theoretical knowledge which would be sufficient to get you through your examinations after all is what school is all about." She explained as she was finally at the front of the class.

"How is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry continued to try and prove his point to this stubborn lady. I knew it wasn't going to go anywhere.

"There is nothing out there dear." She fake smiled as usual, "Who would you imagine would want to attack children like yourself?"

"Oh I don't know maybe Lord Voldemort." Harry answered sarcastically.

Whispers fell amongst the class, Professor Umbridge became silent.

"Now let me make this quite plain." Umbridge started to walk down toward Harry, "You had been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie."

"It's not a lie!" I defended, I wasn't going to defend Harry, but this lady was pushing my buttons, "I was literally there! I saw it all! Voldemort used the torture curse against me and he dueled my brother! I went into a coma for three bloody days!"

The entire class quickly turned to me, Draco was even confused as well, he wasn't paying attention much, but he knows when I speak up it's getting real.

"Detention! Both of you!" Delores stormed up to the front of the class.

"So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead and my sister went into coma on their own account?!"

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident and Alyssa must've gotten some sort of damage from that Triwizard Tournament!"

"It wasn't an accident you pink prissy bitch!" I yelled, "I don't think anybody uses the killing curse on an accident! How would you even know what happened if you weren't there?!" I stood up from my desk.

"Enough!" She screamed, "See me later, both you Potters, in my office."

"Whatever Professor UMbitch." I said sitting back down in my seat.

Professor Umbridge ignored my remark.

Draco whispered to me, "Why would you defend your brother like that? You two got into a huge fight the other day and I haven't seen you guys make up."

"He's still my brother Malfoy, doesn't mean I won't defend him or take faulty."

Word Count: 823

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