Chapter Thirty Seven

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~Trouble with Parkinson~

I'm going to start labeling my chapters at the top like this by the way!

I was walking through the hallways of Hogwarts on my way to muggle studies class, from time to time people were still congratulating me on tricking the dragon. I didn't actually mean to 'trick' it, I genuinely didn't mean any harm towards it.

Somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me into this empty classroom that is unused. It was Malfoy.

"Pansy thinks you and I are dating!" He whisper yelled.

"And? I'm pretty sure everyone does."

"She still won't lay off on me!"

"What the hell do you want me to do about it?"

"I need you to act like some crazy overprotective girlfriend to make Pansy leave me the fuck alone."

"What's in it for me?" I folded my arms.

"What do you want?"

"Actually I don't need anything, but I'll do it just because I don't like Parkinson."

"Thank you Alyssa." Draco pulled me in for a hug and of course I hugged him back, I pulled away after a short time though.

"Actually I take that back, do my homework for a week." I smirked.

"Two days."

"A week."

"Four days?"

"A week Malfoy. You're making me pretend to date a fucking ferret! At the least do my homework for a week!"


Later I was walking with Erin and Luna during the first break of the day.

"So let me get this straight, Draco Malfoy wants you to pretend to be his crazy girlfriend just so Parkinson will leave him alone?" Erin tried to understand, she was still in shock.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes, "Why are you making it seem like such a big deal?"

"Because you're going to pretend to be his girlfriend."

"Keyword Erin, pretend."

Luna piped up, "C'mon Alyssa, you both like each other, what exactly is holding you back from making things official?"

"I don't know honestly, probably the fear of everyone finding out."

"Date in secret." Erin suggested.

"I don't know, I mean I have to admit I do like him, but sometimes I feel like I hate him."

"Why do you think you feel like that?" Luna tried to help.

"I have no clue, he irritates me sometimes and gets on my nerves, but...something about him that I can't seem to get ahold of. Ever since I first saw him in Diagon Alley, I felt drawn to him."

Luna was about to say something, but Pansy Parkinson showed up.

"Hello Potter." She had her arms folded with an angry face, I wasn't fazed at all.

"Classic." I rolled my eyes, she copied the 'Hello Potter' from Draco. What an unoriginal bitch.

"So your dating Malfoy now?"

This was my time to shine.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" I took a step toward her.

She huffed and I smirked.

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