Chapter Twenty Two

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It's Thursday, I had to ignore Draco for today and tomorrow. I don't think it should be that hard considering me and him can't talk around people, so I should just constantly stay around people.

I skipped breakfast in the great hall to avoid looking at him, but my first class was defense against the dark arts which I sadly had with him. I decided to stay by Harry's side the entire time because I knew Draco wouldn't be able to slip me any notes or anything if I was with him.

"Where were you off to yesterday?" Harry asked.

"There was a little friend emergency with Erin in one of the courtyards." I lied.

"Oh okay." He nodded.

I may seem like a compulsive liar, but I do it to protect myself and others. Well actually I am a compulsive liar...a little bit.

After class I asked Harry if I could hang out with him and I was glad he said yes.

Me and Harry were sitting in the courtyard together talking about the last class we just had. Draco walked by and gave my brother a dirty look, so of course I shot him one.

The day went by and I tried to stay with people as much as I could to avoid Draco, it was going good.

It was the end of the day, everyone was in the great hall eating dinner. I had one more day to go to avoid Draco then I didn't have to worry about him for two weeks. I hated the feeling of not being able to talk to him.

It was finally Friday.

Lunch was currently being held like everyday in the great hall, I kept looking over to Draco and we locked eyes and I quickly looked back at my food.

"Are you alright Aly?" Luna was concerned.


I looked back at Draco to see if he was still staring at me, I saw him stand up and he seemed a little mad. It looked like he was walking over here so I quickly got up and ran out of the great hall.

"Aly where are you going?" yelled Luna.

I ignored her.

Someone grabbed my wrist and forcefully turned me around.

"Stop avoiding me Alyssa." Draco demanded.

I looked at him worried, and said nothing.

"Say something dammit!" He demanded once more.

I looked down at my wrist, it hurt.

"You're hurting me." I quietly said.

He quickly let go of me, and I continued to look in the same spot. I was about to walk away, but he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. He wasn't much of a hugger, but I wanted nothing more than this, even though I knew it was wrong, I still didn't want to stop it.

After a few I knew I had to leave, "Draco...please let me go."

He did exactly what I asked for, "Why are you avoiding me though?"

I looked into his grey emotionless eyes, but this time his eyes looked sad. I felt my heart drop.

He sighed then walked away, I watched him leave and I ended up leaving into my dorm room. I felt like crying but nothing came out, I rarely ever cry anyways so it's whatever.

This chapter fucking sucks ass and not the good kind, I'm really sorry lol I just didn't necessarily have any creative ideas I guess. It's also very short but I genuinely hope the next one is a lot better to my zero viewers because nobody even reads this.

Word count: 599

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