Chapter Eighty Eight

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~Lavender Brown~

Watching Hermione cry was probably the most heartbreaking thing, I hugged her as she bawled into my shoulder, "Ya' know Hermione. Ron is just desperate." I exclaimed, "I doubt he genuinely would want to be with a girl like Lavender."

"He always looks at me as if I'm a last resort." She broke the hug and sat down. We were sitting in her dormitory, "I don't want to be his second choice all the time."

"Well Hermione, boys are stupid." I started to explain, "Especially Ron if you haven't noticed, most of the time they leave girls who are absolutely beautiful and smart, for girls who practically are horrid. But in this situation Hermione, I'm sure Ron is just trying to get your attention."

"What would he need my attention for? It's not like he's ever wanted it in the first place."

"You might want to restate that sentence."

"What are you trying to say Alyssa?" Hermione was confused at this point.

"What I'm trying to say is that Ron has always had a huge crush on you Hermione. From the beginning, the moment I'd walked into this school and met him, I've seen the way he looks at you. As if he's met the most beautiful girl ever. He was so upset and jealous once he noticed you'd already had someone to go to the Yule ball with. That's when he finally admitted his feelings for you."

Hermione went silent, she was speechless, "Is that all true?" She finally spoke.

I nodded with confidence.

* * * *

I was headed to my potions class, but once I turned a corner I saw Erin leaning against the castle wall by herself. I chose to ignore her and walk past, but I changed my mind once I'd only taken a few steps out of sight. I went over to her. "Erin, what's been going on lately?"

She looked up at me and rolled her eyes, "Nothing Aly! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" She stormed off.

"I have been!" I yelled at her, "For days!"

She ignored me. I wish she would just talk to me for Merlin's sake. I know something is going on and I'd like to help her. I tried to push the whole situation aside and just go to class, I stood with Hermione as I kept eyeing Lavender.

Lavender was with Parkinson, I couldn't tell what they were talking about, but all I know is I want to know why the fuck Ron Weasley would willingly be with a girl like Lavender.

Slughorn assigned us to make a specific potion and I was assigned at the same table as both Lavender and Pansy. I overheard Lavender's whispers, "I mean Amortentia is a really interesting potion if you think about it truly. Now that I've learned to make it, I'm wanting to use it."

"On who?" Pansy whispered back, "The Weasley Boy?"

I decided to worry them by budding in, "Maybe you two should talk about something like that somewhere else. It's fucking pathetic of you Lavender of how you need a love potion to make someone love you, when in the first place it doesn't even cause someone to love you, it just causes obsession which can be dangerous."

"You don't know what you're talking about Potter!" Lavender defended.

"Don't I? You can't force love, because if you try to do so, it's going to turn into shit anyway. So there's no point." I shrugged, "You're only ruining other's potential including your own."

She went silent after those words, she had an angry look on her face.

I had forgotten that Malfoy was in this class as well he leaned over to me since his table was right next to mine, "You really enjoy putting people in their place don't you?"

As a matter of fact I do.

Word Count: 645

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