Chapter Fifty One

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~The Third Task~
June 24th, 1995

I was sitting in the Slytherin common room with Draco, the morning of the third task. I was taking deep breaths, trying my best to calm down. Malfoy had his arm around my shoulder and his other hand was holding mine.

"What can be so bad about a maze?" Asked Draco, I had to admit he wasn't the best at calming me down, but I appreciated his attempt.

"It's the fucking Triwizard Tournament Draco, There is going to be something that tests us in the most cruel way possible. The maze is probably going to try and kill me or some shit."

"Listen to me Alyssa." Draco cupped my cheek and made me turn my head toward him, "You are the only Potter that isn't as stupid as everyone else in your family. I know you'll be able to do it. Like everyone always says, you are Alyssa fucking Potter."

"I'm mostly worried about Cedric." I turned my head away.

"Why are you worried about him? He's not even your friend Alyssa." I could hear the jealousy in his voice.

"I know that, but I never told you something."

Draco let go of my hand and took his arm off of my shoulder, I knew he was thinking of something bad.

"It's nothing bad." I reassured him, "I just had a dream the night that people were elected as champions."

"Can you tell me about it?" Draco asked still with a worried and hurt look on his face.

"Of course, So I kind of have this ability to predict the future through my dreams. I know it sounds stupid, but in the dream I saw Cedric's dead body lying on grass and because of this maze, there's going to be grass...everywhere I know something bad is going to happen."

"I still don't understand why you are worried, he isn't your friend." Draco was still obviously jealous that I was worried about another guy.

"Draco, he is my brother's friend and if he dies I wont be able to live with the fact somebody died and I knew it was going to happen, but I just wasn't able to save him. I don't like him or anything, I know that's what you're thinking."

Draco frowned.

I pulled him into a tight hug, "You are the only one I want, please know that." I whispered.

"Um Potter." Someone said.

I let go of the hug and I turned to see Parkinson, "Can I help you?" I gave her a disgusted look.

"I just wanted to say thank you."

"For what?"

"I never got the chance to thank you for convincing Dumbledore not to expel me."

"I guess you're welcome?"

* * * *

Walking on my way to the third task, more nervous as ever. I was so focused on helping Cedric I would look at him every few seconds.

Draco was with me, "Alyssa, how come you never told Diggory about the dream?"

"Imagine knowing that you're going to die and when? That'd be the most frightening thing."

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