Chapter Ninety

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~Everything's Falling Apart~

Winter Break was over, it was the first day back. I was excited to see Draco again. One thing though was that I still couldn't get over the way Erin just unfriended me, she's right. I'm too stubborn to admit that my life was going to shit, but that's only because I know I can fix it. I told Luna about the whole situation and she understood.

I stayed at Hogwarts for the whole Christmas break, because I don't necessarily have anywhere to go. I waited in the great hall, for Draco to enter. I missed him terribly.

After a bunch of people came in, Draco was no where to be seen. I found it odd, maybe he could have been busy with something.

The day went on, I was reunited with my friends who went home for the break. Everyone except Malfoy, there was no sign of him anywhere. I even asked some of his friends and they said they haven't seen him.

Dinner had just ended and I ran into Blaise, "Have you seen Draco?"

"He was there on the train, but since then I have not seen him at all."

I nodded, "Thanks anyways Blaise."

"Hey." He said before I had the chance to leave, "If you'd like, you could wait in the dormitory with me again like last time to see if he comes. I'm sorry if that comes off weird, you're welcome to bring a friend if it is."

"Yeah, thanks man. I'll be in the common room at 7:30."

"Okay great."

I had to admit that was really fucking suspicious, but I could use some talking to Draco, I was desperate, since he hasn't wrote to me during the break at all.

*    *    *    *

"Hey Luna." I went over to her bed, "I'm so sorry to ask, but could you come to the Slytherin common room with me?"

"Of course I can Aly." She smiled, "What's going on though?" She fluffed her pillow.

"Well I haven't seen Malfoy all day, and Blaise invited me to their common room so I could wait and see if Draco would come." I explained as I awkwardly fiddled with my fingers.

"Alright I'll come, when are we going?"

"Now..." I answered.

"Okay let's go!"

Luna walked with me to the Slytherin common room, she's so sweet honestly I have no idea why I thought she was weird at first.

"Pure Blood." I said as the door to the dungeons opened.

I immediately spotted Blaise sitting down on the couch, just like last time. Luna followed me into the common room. I sat down next to her on the couch opposite from Zabini.

"Hi Potter." He smiled at me then turned to Luna, "Hello Lovegood."

"Hey Zabini." She smiled. I swear that girl is always smiling, "May you point into the direction of the girl's powder rooms?"

Zabini pointed behind her and she got up to use to restroom I was sure.

TW!!!! Sexual Assault

"You mind sitting next to me?" Blaise asked. It was a bit weird of him to ask that, but I trusted him.

I got up then sat next to him, "What's up?"

He put his arm around my shoulders, at this point I was already uncomfortable and had no clue what to do, "I honestly don't even know why you're dating that prick Malfoy. He doesn't treat you right, I can see it."

"How does he not treat me right?"

"You're the one always looking for him and I've noticed how you're always the one putting in effort. He's always disappearing, and once you find him he's an ass." He explained.

I took a deep breath, "Whatever you say."

"I mean, I'm just trying to tell you that you should be with someone who treats you right. Ya' know."

"Look Blaise, I appreciate you looking out for me, but my relationship isn't any of your business." Blaise then moved his arm from my shoulder to my waist, I flinched at the sudden movement. He started slowly moving his hand around, "Could you stop please?"

Blaise sighed, he kept his arm there, but stopped moving it. I didn't know what the fuck to do.

"I could be good to you Alyssa." Blaise whispered.

I gulped, hoping for Luna or anyone to come back, just so this could be over soon. How long is Luna going to take?

Blaise took his other hand and put it slightly above my knee, he slowly drifted it up, "Please..." I was on the verge of crying. I wanted to do anything to get out of this situation, I couldn't squirm out of his grip either.

End of tw!

Someone entered the common room.

Thank fuck.

Blaise immediately took his hands off of me once he realized that it was Draco, "What the hell is going on?!" He marched up to us, I stayed silent. He noticed the tears that formed in my eyes before he walked in, "Leave Blaise."

Blaise rolled his eyes, but he got up and left anyway.

"Are you going to tell me what the hell happened?"

I couldn't speak, I didn't know why. He huffed out of anger, "Pitiful, to think my girlfriend would be cheating on me with my own friend."

"No!" I cried, "That's not what happened!" I finally made out those words. I tried my best to stop the tears from streaming down my face.

"Then what was happening?" He looked hurt.

I started to cry, "He did something bad and I don't want to say!" I hated crying, and even more so in front of him, he just stood there watching tears fall from my face.

"Why were you even hanging out with him in the first place?"

"To wait for you! But I'm a fucking idiot!" I got up, "If Luna comes out tell her I went back to my dormitory."

Word Count: 986

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