Chapter Thirty Five

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"Avada Kedavra!"

This huge spark of green light flashed before my eyes and once the light disappeared, I saw Cedric Diggory's lifeless body lying on the cold grass on his back.

I screamed loudly, but the next thing I knew I was in my dorm room. It must've been another pathetic dream. I accidentally woke everyone in the room up.

Everyone was asking me if I was okay and all I responded with was, "I had a horrific dream."

Thankfully it was only a few minutes before one of the girl's alarm went off. I'm pretty sure the girl's name was Stephanie, but I'm not one hundred percent.

Everyone started to get ready but I still felt really bad for waking all the girls up. I started to get really deep into thought about the dream, I remembered when Cedric was elected as a champion I had a really bad feeling. Holy shit that wasn't just a dream. What the fuck was I suppose to do? Today was the first task, I still have time to talk to Harry and see what we could do.

I got ready quickly, I told Erin and Luna I was in a rush so I ran into the great hall looking for Harry, but I ended up running into Cedric. He was A LOT taller than me, I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally head budded into his chest.

(By the way I'm only 5'1 but in this story you can be however tall you want)

"Woah somebody's in a rush." He joked.

"Actually I kind of needed to speak to you."

"What's up?" He said scooting closer to the wall, we were already near the wall so it was a convenient situation.

"Um, in the tasks please be careful, like really careful."

He gave me a weird look, but he smiled through it, "Alright." He nodded.

"Good luck."

"You as well Potter."

I smiled and continued running, telling him to be careful won't do shit most likely. I had to find Harry.

I ended up in the great hall and he was still no where to be seen, at least August was there. He knew about my power to predict, but I felt like I needed to tell Harry first. So I was going to ask August if he'd seen him.

I walked up to him who happened to be sitting with these other kids that I had no clue of their existence.

"Hi August." I said.

He turned around and smiled at me, "Hey Alice."

One of the kids he was sitting with had blonde hair slicked to the side and bright blue eyes with slightly tan skin.

"Hey August is that your girlfriend?" The blue eyed boy teased.

"Listen here b-" I was about to go off before August stopped me.

"Alice please, I'm sorry about him."

I rolled my eyes, "Have you seen Harry or any of his friends?"

"I was walking by the library and I saw them go in there."

"Okay thanks." I was gonna run off again, but I turned back to August eyeing a piece of toast on his plate, "You gonna eat that?"


I took the toast off his plate and ran to the library. I finally arrived and saw the main trio at a table, Hermione was reading to them. I walked over to the table they were sitting at and Hermione immediately saw me, "Oh hey Aly, so you know how the first task is about dragons, well I'm helping Harry do research about them so he can possibly be able to do the first task easier. Would you like me t-"

"Hermione I appreciate it, really, but I need to talk to my brother about something urgent."

I took Harry by the arm and led him to a couch on the other side of the library.

"Harry I had another one of those dreams."

"The predictions?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "This one is really bad though."

"What happened?"

"When Cedric first got elected as a Triwizard champion I got a really bad feeling, then last night...somebody killed him. Using the death curse."


"I'm not sure, but It was on a grassy field and I know it has something to do with these tasks."

Harry looked terrified starring at the ground. I was scared too.

"What do we do?" He looked up at me.

"You think I should tell Dumbledore something?"


"Alright." I nodded, "Can you come with me?"

"Of course, he is in the great hall at the moment correct?" Harry stood up.

"Should be."

Me and Harry both walked together to the great hall and up to Dumbledore.

"May we speak with you?" I asked.

"Of course." Dumbledore stood up from his chair and walked us out the corridor.

"You need to cut off the Triwizard Tournament." Harry quickly said.

"Come again?"

"Look." I tried to explain, "I get these dreams where they come true, they're never wrong. I'm able to predict things and Cedric Diggory is in danger. You need to cancel the tournament."

"Miss Potter, as much as I'd love to believe you and come forth of your statement, the goblet of fire has already chosen fate. Whatever happens in the future happens for a reason and trying to change it will only make it come true."

"I understand that, but we are talking about a student's life that is potentially at risk. You're aware of that correct?" I snarked.

Harry nudged my elbow, "What Alyssa is trying to say, is that she cares about Diggory even though she may not know much of him. She cares and values everyone's life, and she'd like to try and save him."

"The second half isn't true." I folded my arms, "No need to lie, Dumbledore knows everything."

Harry rolled his eyes at my sarcasm.

"Look Dumbledore, can you at least attempt to help?" I asked.

"I'll see what I can do, but remember fate is fate." Dumbledore walked away.

I clenched my fists in anger, "I hate how he's always right!"

"He's going to see what he can do, there isn't much if you think about it though."

"I just know that I'm not going to be able to live with the fact he died and I knew, I just wasn't able to help him."

"Let's just hope for the best. Try convincing yourself it was only a dream."

I nodded.

Word Count: 1076

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