☀︎︎Chapter 3☀︎︎

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Gons POV:

It was Killua on his bed, but shirtless.

Clearly showing off his 8 pack..

A bit of his V-line-


I quickly turned around, my blush getting redder and redder.

Gon: "P-put on a s-shirt!" I demanded.

Killua: "But it's hooot!" Killua complains back to me.

Gon: "I-If you don't put on a shirt, I won't clean your room."

Killua: "Now that isn't a nice way to order things now, is it?"

I heard footsteps behind me, before I could catch a glimpse of what he was doing, I felt his breath against my ear again.

Killua: "I'll put on a shirt as long as you say the magic word~." I shiver against his whisper, my blush making the situation worse.

Gon: "P-please, p-please put on a shirt." I whisper back.

Killua backs up from my ear, making me let out a relieved sigh.

Killua: "You got it!"

I hear him skip his way back to his room, making me facepalm.

'He's like a child.' I think while staring at the marble ground.

Killua: "Alriight, I put on a shirt. You can come in now."

I fixate my eyes off the ground to look at his room once again. This time, he actually had a shirt on.

Gon: "Okay, what would you want me to clean?"

Killua: "Everything, now if you excuse me. I'll be in the living room watching Netflix."

I step aside as he walks down the hallways to the living room, leaving me alone near his room.

'FUCKIFORGOTTOASKHIMWHERETHERESTWERE.' I mentally facepalm as I step inside his room.

The inside were a very light blue, close toward the color white, LED lights that were set to the color air force blue:

And of course, his king sized bed.

I decide on first doing his bed, then vacuuming.


After a good half hour later, I finished cleaning his room.

'Who would've known he was a stuffer.' I thought while heading to the living room. I look around for a familiar white-haired boy until I hear rustling in the kitchen.

'Now what is he doing?' I thought while heading over there. The scene displayed in the kitchen made me laugh.


It was Killua, covered in flour and sugar. If he wasn't pale enough you should've seen how similar he looked toward a ghost.

Killua: "H-hey! Don't just laugh there, help me out!" Killua screeches while attempting to wipe off everything from him.

Gon: "O-okay-hahahaha"

I got the nearest vacuum and started to vacuum. Wiping off the counters and doing the dishes. Beforehand, I told Killua to shower while I'll make the food he wanted to make.

It was chocolate cake, but I think he added to much of everything, causing a mess I had to clean.

While waiting for the cake to bake in the oven, I heard footsteps, making me turn around to see someone unfamiliar. She had on a maid outfit, making me assume she serves here as well.

Gon: "Hello! H-"

She interrupts me by holding me up by my collar. SHe was taller than me by a couple of inches, making me frightened.

???: "You fucking slut. You think by wearing OUR uniform you could tease master Killua?"

I tried squirming around, but her grip tightened.

???: "I despise you."

She finally lets go of me, throwing me against a wall. The second I hit the hard ground, I fell unconscious. Unaware that someone was watching from afar, cursing under their breath.

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