☀︎ Chapter 23 ☀︎

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I haven't checked if there's any spelling errors so I apologize in advance if there is👤


       As Killua got home, he opened the doors to see a couple of maids and butlers working, but none of them peaked his attention. He then got out his phone to text Gon that he's back home but immediately stopped as he heard his voice.

This made him raise his head but then frown as he saw someone taking to him.

'Why does he attract so many people...'

Killua thought as he started to walk towards them. Gon noticed this and smiled widely, running towards him.

"Killua! Welcome back!"

Killua was expecting a hug but didn't receive one. He quirked his eyebrow at Gon, making him confused.

"Why is your eyebrow lifted?"

"Where's my hug?" Killua asked, slightly pouting.

"Oh of course I didn't forget that, it's just there's too many people in here and I don't want them to suspect us of anything. You know?" Gon explained while tilting his head towards the workers downstairs.


"Awh, don't be like that! Oh! I have someone to introduce to you!" Gon smiled brightly as he brought  Zushi beside him. He was an inch taller than Gon, but not as tall as Killua. Killua looked at him up and down before looking back to Gon.

"This is Sushi! The one I was talking about in our texts!"

"It's Zushi Gon."

"Zushi! I'm so sorry, I got confused" Gon apologized while scratching the back of his head.

"No worries! It happens to everyone, I'm used to it." Zushi shrugged while smiling at Gon.

Before Gon could say anything, Killua asked him a question.

"For who do you work for?"

"Ah! Well, they told me that I was going to work for Alluka. Something about how she's been depressed lately and other stuff but I forgot."

"Alright, go to her room then. Her room is the last door towards the right." Killua said, pointing at the door.

"O-oh okay! I guess this is my  goodbye for now. Bye Gon! See you around" Zushi spoke while walking away, waving at Gon.

"Bye Zushi! It was nice chatting with you!" Gon smiled, waving goodbye at Zushi. When he turned around he saw a glaring Killua, looking off at the distance.

"Mm Killua? What are you glaring at?"

Killua didn't respond as he sighed. He turned to Gon and slightly smiled at him.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it"

"If you say so" Gon shrugged, starting to walk towards Killuas room.

"Now now, where are yo headed without me?" He questioned the shorter boy, putting  his arm on his head.

"To clean, I've just now realized how unorganized you are."

"Ouch. That hurt." Killua made a hurt expression as Gon chuckled.

"The truth hurts. Now can you.."

"Can I what?" Killua tilted his head at Gon.

"Can you get your arm off my head!! It's heavy ya know?!" Gon screeched while removing Killuas arm. Killua laughed before calming down a bit.

"It isn't that heavy"

"It felt  like if I had 10 tons on my head."

"Nahhhhh you're exaggerating"

"Exaggerating these balls."


"Oh look we're here! Now, if you excuse me, imma got clean the shit ton of stuff you have in the floor."

Gon said while creepily smiling at Jillua who got the chills.

"I'm... gonna go walk my fish. Cya"

"Wait but your-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Killua quickly ran away leaving a pouting Gon outside of his room.

"You forgot your hug..."


I'll probably update once a week, lmk if that's fine with you guys?👀

Question of the day: ELA or Math?📕📗📙


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