☀︎︎Chapter 9☀︎︎

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Killuas POV:

It's currently one in the morning, and I couldn't sleep at all.

I kept twisting and turning, unable to find warmth.


I wonder if I could sleep with Gon..

Surely, I have to leave his bed early. But at least I'll be able to doze off in peace, right?

Eh, fuck it.

I slide my legs over my bed, getting up and sneakily walking my way toward the guest room. Allukas room was quite near the bedroom, so I had to be quiet.

I atlast made it, opening his door and closing it. I walk up to him, seeing how charming he was even if he was asleep.

Killua: "Gon.." I shook him slightly, only to gain in return a groan.

Killua: "Could I sleep with you?" His eyes slowly start to open, looking at me while squinting.

Gon: "Mnh.. Killua... Is that you..?"

'Cute Cute Cute Cute' repeated in my mind as I looked at the adorable figure.

Killua: "Yeah, it's me Gon. Mind if there's room for two?"

Gon: "Just get in.." A smile forms on my lips as I scooch in with Gon. To my surprise, he shuffles himself toward me, hugging my chest in the process.

'Who would've known he liked sleep this much?' I chuckle as I hug him back, falling into a peaceful slumber.


Or so I thought..


Approximately an hour later, I heard gunshots. This made me sit up, making Gon wake up as well.

Gon: "Mm what happened Killua..?" He asked while rubbing his eyes sitting up.

Killua: "I think I heard gunshots.. I'll check it out through the window."

I get off the bed, wondering who the hell is shooting at 2 in the morning,

As I'm peaking, I notice two unfamiliar figures. The both of them had full on black clothing, masks, glasses, and guns.


Killua: "As I expected, there's people trespassing. Gon, could you do me a favor and get inside my closet?"

Gon nodded slowly before entering my closet, closing the door.

Now.. It's time to deal with these morons.

Gons POV:

As I went inside the closet, I noticed how big it was on the inside.

'Would he have a light switch in here?" I wondered, searching for one. I felt something with the same structure as a light switch, resulting in me flipping it.

The lights turned on, revealing a walk in closet.

(Imagine that, but without the handbags and replaced with Killuas clothes

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(Imagine that, but without the handbags and replaced with Killuas clothes.)

"Woah.." I lowly whisper, walking inside while looking at everything.

'How rich is his family?! Millionaires, Billionaires?

Maybe even trillionaires.'

As I looked to my left, I spotted a peculiare drawer that stood out, making me curious. I opened the drawer only to see what I assume is candy? It was shaped as a yellow box, representing on what I assume is a robot.

'I'll just mind my own business..' I thought while closing the drawer. I turned off the lights and fell asleep against the wall.

Killuas POV:

While looking down at their dead bodies, I notice one of them have a file. I open it to see Gon and I in bed together..

'How did they..'

???: "You must be confused on how we got the images, well it's simple.."

Before I could strike, they quickly chained me up, making me unable to move.

Killua: "LET ME GO YOU-"

???: "Hush, as I was saying. We got the images by magic~ Now, sleep tight, Killua Zoldyck."

Before I could say a word, they injected something into my arm, making me fall asleep quickly.


The figure carried the Zoldyck in their arms, chuckling on how easy it was to capture him.

???: "Who would've known I would abduct a Zoldyck in a day.." they said while looking at Killua in disgust.

???: "You'll pay for killing my dad, Killua."

They quickly ran off, leaving the bodies of their crewmates behind.

Clearly, they were unaware that someone watched the whole comotion, alerting the other Zoldycks on what had just happened.

...: "Please... be okay..."


Thank you all for being patient with me, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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