☀︎︎Chapter 6☀︎︎

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Gons POV:

Killua: "Want to go to a theme park?"

A ...theme park..?

Gon: "Eh? A theme park?"

Killua: "Yeah..? Do you have some type of grudge against it?"

I cross my hands back and forth, saying no as an answer.

Gon: "A-ah no! It's just that I haven't been to one in my life..." I mumble the last part as I look down.

Killua looks down at me, shocked at my words as he lets go of my wrist. He holds the both of my shoulders, making me look up toward him.

Killua: "If you haven't gone to one, then let's go! Get ready, your clothes are in the closet next to my room."

Gon: "Is it really necessary to go to one?"

He looked at me if I was out of my mind. He then turned me around and started walking me toward the exit.

Killua: "Of course it is! Now, go change and I'll be waiting for you in the front doors. Goodbye!"

He pushes me out the doors gently and shuts his door closed. I look back at his door and sigh.

What am I getting myself into?

I start walking toward the room Killua described. I open it to see the closet. Walking toward it, I notice that the room is almost as fancy as Killuas.

Minus the LEDs of course.

I open a closet door and immediately recognize my clothes.

"They could've at least told me it was here.."I mumble while eyeing my clothes. Since I don't have too much clothes, I'll just go with a black t-shirt and denim jeans.

Looking around the room, I spot a mirror. I decide to check myself out and see if it's okay.

The more I look at myself, the more guilt enters throughout my body.

Gon: "Mito-san... Please wait a little longer.."

I rub my eyes, trying to wipe my tears away. I can't be sad now, it'll seem suspicious.

AN: I might explain either in the next chapter or another one. (:

I sigh and look back inside the closet to look for my shoes.

Gon: "Where the hell did they leave them.." I mumble while walking toward the door.

'I'll just ask Killua..' I knock on his door, receiving nothing as an answer.

'He did say he was going to wait in the front..' I thought while walking down the hall. I eventually found him and called out for him.

Gon: "Killua!"

He immediately looked up, thinking something was wrong.

Killua: "Jesus fuck Gon, you scared me. What do you need?"

Gon: "Do you know where they left my shoes?"

Killua: "Err, not really. Check beside the door, maybe it'll be there."

I groan and walk back to the room, looking for a familiar color of converse. Eyeing the room, I see something white beside the closet.

'Please tell me it's my shoes.' Peeking beside the closet, they were in fact, my shoes.

Gon: "Thank goodness they're here!" I cheer as I put socks on. I tie my laces and walk out the room, closing the door.

Gon: "I'm reaadyy!" I cheer out.

Killua: "Alright, let's go."



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I've been feeling unmotivated lately and since I have a test on Tuesday, I won't be posting starting today.

I apologize furthermore, but I promise you the next chapter will be long!

Bye for now!

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