☀︎︎Chapter 11☀︎︎

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Back at Kukuroo Mountain, Gon notified the rest that Killua was returning back. They sighed in relief, knowing that Killuas coming soon.

Kurapika: "Phew.. I'm glad he's okay."

Leorio: "Same here. But then again, it's Killua. He could handle most situations on his own."

Kurapika: "Most, Leorio. Not all."

Leorio: "Yeah yeah I know."

As they kept on chatting, Alluka peered onto their conversation using Zetsu.

'When I tried to open Onii-chans room, it was locked.

And he never leaves it locked.'

During that night, Alluka immediately went to the guest room to where she heard two light snores behind the door. Her first impression was that Killua and Gon had a thing together, in which she had to rip apart immediately.

But before she could do that, she needs evidence.

Evidence that will prove her statement right.

Even if they don't fire Gon, Alluka has others ways to make her desire come true.

As she's looking, Kalluto stands next to her, wondering why she's looking over there.

Kalluto: "Alluka? Why are you stalking them?"

Alluka: "Gah! Kalluto! You scared me!" she says while holding her chest.

Kalluto: "Sorrysorrry, but seriously, why are you stalking them?"

Alluka: "That, my dear brother, is a question I won't answer." Alluka smirked when she saw Kalluto pout.

Kalluto: "Rude much? Well anyways, I'm out. See ya."

Alluka: "Bye!"

Allukas aura goes back to a deadly one as Kalluto leaves to his room.

Her fists clenched when she saw her big brother come home.

For obvious reasons, she ran up to him, tackling him into a hug.

Alluka: "Onii-Chan! I'm glad your back home!"

Killua: "It's good to be back, Alluka."

Killua knew what Allukas motive was but he decided not to be rude with her. After all, she is his sister.

Kurapika: "Killua, you moron! Why did you go by yourself out there?! You could've called one of us to help you out a bit." Kurapika said while hiring Killuas head.

Alluka glared at Kurapika, clearly not enjoying on what he's doing.

Killua: "Owowowowow okayokayokay I get it! Please stop."

Kurapika huffed as his arm goes back to his side.

Kurapika: "Fine, SnowWhite."

Killua: "You little-"

Gon: "Killua?"

Gon asked while looking down on the balcony. Killua slyly smiled as he waved to him.

'Goawaygoawaygoaway!' Alluka thought while clenching her teeth. She couldn't bear the anger inside of her so she told Killua that she had to go.

Killua: "Oh okay, bye Alluka!"

Alluka: "Bye!"

As she ran off, Gon stepped down the stairs hastily to the point where he almost fell down the stairs.

Luckily, Leorio was close by, catching Gon.

Gon: "Wahh, ah, thanks Leorio!"

For some reason, this irritated Killua. The way he saw the scene in front of him was that Leorio had his hands and arms around Gons sides. (Even though they weren't🤥)He wanted to be the one to catch Gon, cuddle him in his arms.

Leorio: "You're welcome, Gon."

As Leorio set Gon down, Gon went up to Killua, hugging him for dear life.

Gon: "KilluaKilluaKillua! You're okay!"

Killua chuckled at his childish antics, hugging him back.

Killua: "Yeah, I am."


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"This won't count as evidence, but the way they hug is a bit off. Just you wait Gon, you'll be out in no time."



Lol I don't feel proud about this chapter🥸

*Random question, what day are you guys leaving school(if you've already left to summer break I'm jealous of you🙁)?


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