☀︎︎Chapter 2☀︎︎

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Mention of sexual harassment. If you're disturbed, I'd recommend for you to click off.


Gons POV:

I head to the living room and start off by dusting off everything. I pick up the trash, put things in place, and sweep. I throw away the trash and head upstairs to clean the rooms.

I start in the room that's toward the closest left.

I knock on the door, hearing a slight 'come in.'

I open the door and see Milluki on his gaming chair, playing games.

I bow my head and introduce myself.

Gon: "Good afternoon, Milluki. Is it okay if I clean up your room?"

Milluki: "Go ahead. Clean up everything."

I start by gathering up all the chip bags he has. I notice that there's one under his desk. I bend down, trying to grab it until I feel his hand grab my ass, making me yelp.

Gon: "M-milluki! P-please st-"

Milluki: "Shut up! Just go with it!"

Gon: "B-but M-Milluki we can't be-"

He slaps my ass, but not in a flattering way. It hurt badly when he did it.

Memories start flooding in, remembering how my abusive step dad would do this to me.

I started to tear up because he started to grab it more.

I hear the door slam open, revealing a familiar Zoldyck.

Killua: "Milluki! What the fuck are you doing?"

I look up with tears in my eyes to see Killua.

He grabs my arm, pulling me away from Milluki. He glares at Milluki and we begin to walk out of his room.

Killua: "Are you okay, uh, Gon, right?"

Oh wow

Gon: "S-should I be honored to be remembered by a Zoldyck?" I joke around.

Killua: "Yes, now bow down to me, peasant."

Gon: "Yes, yes, master Killua~." I tease. I look back at him and see he's slightly blushing, making me giggle.

Killua: "Just remember to not go inside his room, alright?"

Gon: "Y-yeah, thanks for helping me out back there.

Killua: "Anytime.."

He pauses his sentence, getting closer to me until I feel his cool breath against my ear, making me shiver.

Killua: "..cutie." He whispered against my ear, making me blush.

Gon: "A-anyways,I-I have to go clean the rest of the rooms. Are there any other rooms I should be watchful of?"

Killua: "Maybe Illumi, but besides him, no."

Gon: "Alright, see you around, Killua!"

Killua: See you around, Gon."

He winks at me, making me turn around quickly. As I walk away, I deeply start to think of his actions and the rules.

Is this a test to see if I'll follow the rules?

If it is then I have to avoid his pervy actions and sayings.

I can't get fired on the first day...

I decided to stop thinking so hardly and find a room to clean. I decide on cleaning the room next to Millukis. I knock, receiving no answer.

I open the door and see a beautiful pastel purple room, covered in decorative vines and pet fish. I stare at awe and see the letter 'K' in cursive beside their bedside.

'Must be Kallutos room.' I think while observing his room more and more. I start cleaning his room, one room after another.


I noticed that none of the Zoldycks were in their room.

That's pretty odd...

The only room I haven't cleaned is Killuas.

I walk up to Killuas room, knocking twice. After I knocked, I heard a 'come in'. I enter the room and blush at the sight in front of me.


I hope you enjoy this edited chapter!


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