☀︎︎Chapter 17☀︎︎

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Although I post maid sama manga pictures, here's a cute killugon image ( credits to the artist!)😗

Anyways, onto the chapter😋⁉️


Kurapika: "Say, Leorio.."

Leorio: "Hmm?" Leorio mumbled. They were currently on guard duty, and while Leorio had his head on Kurapikas shoulder, Kurapika noticed a familiar person walking towards their direction.

Kurapika: "Could that person walking in the distance be Gon..?"


Kurapika: "Leorio wake up!" Kurapika yelled, whacking his head.

Leorio: "HUH WAIT WHAT FUCK YEAH IM AWAKE!!" Leorio declared immediately, standing up quickly as well.

Kurapika: "Sit your long-ass down or we'll be noticed!?" Kurapika exclaimed, yanking Leorio back down.


Kurapika: "Leorio?! He's looking this way?!" Kurapika half shouted, covering his mouth with his hand while blushing slightly.

Leorio rolled his eyes before accepting defeat.

'Those idiots.. don't they think with all the racket they've done I haven't noticed them?' Gon thought, smiling at them.

'Clearly not..'

As Gon walked closer towards the exit, Kurapika and Leorio stood up and walked toward him.

Kurapika: "Hey Gon, where are you headed?"

Gon: "Well you see, I'm going to visit my aunt at the hospital and pay off her fees." Gon stated having a bitter smile. Kurapika noticed this and decided not to ask furthermore. He allowed Gon to leave before looking at Leorio in a way he knew something was wrong.

Kurapika; "Gon... he.."

Leorio: 'What happened with Gon?" He inquired, walking up to Kurapika.

Kurapika: "I-I don't know but the look on his face shows a different story.." Kurapika said before slightly lowering his head.

Leorio: "Hey, look at me," Leorio spoke softly, lifting his head to face Kurapika directly. They locked eye contact before Kurapika looked away flustered.

Leorio: "Everything will be okay, alright? We'll ask Gon about his past and we'll see how it goes. But for now, relax." Leorio said before kissing Kurapikas forehead. This had seemed to calm Kurapika down as he wasn't as tense as before.

Kurapika: "Yeah... thank you, Leorio."

Meanwhile for Gon, he sat in the room Mito was in, holding her hand while looking at her desperately.

"Hey Mito, it's me.. Gon. I know you aren't hearing me but I wanted to say everything's going great so far. The people over there are nice, well, except a few others but that's besides the point. There's this boy I work for.. and..

I think I've fallen for him hard.

Everyday he's so kind to me, shows me his loving smile.. but today he told me he loves someone else. I left him in his worst state. I feel horrible, but what could I have done at that time? I feel like quitting but I can't since I'm doing this for you. So please..

Wake up already.." Gon sobbed while continuously holding her hand, squeezing it a bit. She had on a ring Gon gave to her for her birthday. He looked at it, more tears coming out as one of them fell on her hand.

Gon: "I don't know if I can do this anymore.." Gon said in a brittle voice looking at her desperately. He lowered his head, but lifted his head quickly as he heard her cough.

Gon: "M-Mito? MITO- SHES AWAKE!?" Gon alerted the nurses and doctors that she was awake as they rushed in quickly.

Gon couldn't believe it,

he could finally have his aunt back.

That's what he thought, until they gave him the bill.

Gon: 'W-what.. I-I can't pay this much.. P-Please could you lower it a bit?" Gon pleaded, he couldn't pay the amount he was requesting at the moment.

Receptionist: "I'm sorry, but this bill is due next week. I could lower it down by 1,000 but that's the most I'll do."

Gon: "T-thank you, I appreciate it. When could I pick her up?"

Receptionist: "We'll give you a call when you can."

Gon: "Oh okay, thank you.." Gon lowered his head, walking out.

'What am I going to do.. I can't pay all of that in a week!? I'm doomed..' Gon at the moment wasn't paying attention to what's ahead of him, resulting in him bumping into someone.

Gon: "I'm sorry-" He was cut off by a tight hug. Confused, he lifted his head to see white, fluffy hair.

Gon: "K-killua!?"


Hellohello 😇

Random question of the day: What's your favorite hxh character? 👀


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