☀︎︎Chapter 10☀︎︎

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Darkness was all Killua saw when he opened his eyes. He tried to move his hand but that didn't work either. Was he kidnapped?

Then it hit him. He was, infact, kidnapped.

But who would've done this to him? Killua didn't remember making any enemies from the past.

Suddenly, he heard walking from his left, alerting him.

The figure started to laugh, making Killua confused.

???: "Oh how time passes by, don't ya think?"

Muffled sounds came out from Killua as he tried to talk. It was no use since his mouth was duct taped.

???: "Oh whoops, I forgot about that. Hold on a second you fucking bastard."

They ripped the duck tape harshly from his mouth, making Killua slightly wince in pain.

Killua: "You fucking whore..Just who the fuck are you!?" Killua was beyond pissed off. If he saw who had done this, they wouldn't see the following day.

???: "Don't raise your voice at me. Know where your place is. But are you serious? You don't know nor remember who I am?"

Killua: "For fucks sake no the fuck I don't?!"

???: "That's shocking since you were the one who had assassinated my dad."

Killua had tried to think of who this person was. As expected, nothing came to mind.

Killua: "I did?"

They clench their fists, slapping Killuas face with all their might.

???: "You little shit. I could kill you in an instant, but I won't. I want to see you suffer, cry as hard as I did, and let your filthy blood ooze out from your pathetic pale body. But since I'm a generous and nice person,"

Killua scoffed at that.

???: "I'll let you see me only for today. The rest of these days you'll be blindfolded until your last breath."

The figure started to take off Killuas blindfold until he was able to see. The moment he saw them, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Killua: "You're.. a girl?"

???: "And so what?! I could still kill you."

Killua: "Hold the fuck on, are you, er, what was it again? Oh! Anita, yeah? Is that your name?"

Anita: " You remembered.. great." She exclaimed exaggerating. All she wanted to do is kill the Zoldyck, make him go through hell. But patience was her key, so she couldn't do all of that at once.

Killua: "So you're telling me I killed your dad? When"

Anita: "Exactly 8 years ago I remember seeing your petrifying face, ripping the heart out from my precious and innocent father."

Killua: "You know, I got paid to do that. Hell I wouldn't have killed your father. I don't even know who you are."

Anita: "I don't care. I'm still killing you for what you-"

Killua: "This is getting boring, say, let's get to the fun stuff alright?"

Anita: "What the hell are you plan-"

Anitas eyes went wide as she felt sudden pressure coming from her throat. She looked down and saw Killua choking her. His bloodlust oozing out as time passes.

Anita: "You... are.. crazy.." She whispered, trying to fight back but it was no use.

Killua looked up at her, his eyes showing no emotion and smiled.

Killua: "I know."


As Killua left the abandoned house, he checked his pockets and found his phone.

'At least she didn't take this away.' he thought while dialing Gotoh's number. After the second ring, he picks up.

Gotoh: "Yes master Killua?"

Killua: "Come pick me up, I'm at xxxxxxx"

Gotoh: "Understood."

Killua "Goodbye." was the last thing Killua told him before hanging up. He checked the time and saw it was already dawn.

Killua: "Well isn't this a great start to my morning.." he grumbled. He heard a car passing by, making him look up to lock eyes with Gotoh.

Gotoh: "Your clothes are covered in blood, let me get you clean clothes to change quickly. In the passenger seat there is sushi to eat while you wait."

Killua: "Alright." 

While Killua ate sushi, Gotoh passed him his clothes. It wasn't anything fancy, just simple joggers and a sweatshirt.


As Killua finished changing, he heard his cell phone ring. Killua picked it up and saw that Gon was calling him.

Killua: "Hello-"


Killua: "Holy shit Gon, you could've made me deaf."

Gon: "Ah, I'm sorry! I'm just worried that something happened.."

Killua: "Oh? You were worried for me?"

Gon: "E-eh? D don't make it sound like that s-stupid!"

That made Killua chuckle.

Gotoh: "Young master, we must be going now."

Killua: "Ah, sorry Gotoh. Gon, I have to go. I'll see you later on, alright?"

Gon: "Oh okay, Bye!"

Killua: 'Bye babe."

Killua hung up, knowing Gon was a blushing mess after that. The image of Gon blushing made him smirk.  He really loved to tease Gon a bit.

Meanwhile with Gon..

Gon: "B-babe?!" Gon whispered as his cheeks flushed red. He hadn't expected Killua to call him that. 

'No Gon, he's just playing with you. Don't get your hopes up.'

Gon: "Right.." he looked down while looking at Killuas contact. In all honesty, Gon would've loved to be with the cotton swab, but he was too nervous to confess.

'He deserves better.'


I literally haven't updated in soo long 

But I hope you enjoyed this lololol


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