︎☀︎︎Chapter 19 ☀︎

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I started to watch soul eater not too long ago, and the moment I saw Crona, I immediately knew I loved him <3

Anyways, enjoy :)


*cough cough* "I-I think I caught a cold.." Gon whispered to Killua. They were currently on Killuas car, driving them back home as quickly as he could since the rain wouldn't stop.

Killua reached towards the backseat and placed the coat he had beforehand on Gons lap.

"Here.. wear this for now until we arrive back home."

Gon thanked him before staring at it more. It was a beautiful shade of white, contrasting towards Killuas hair color. It felt extremely soft towards Gons touch and had small but noticeable black buttons.

As Gon started to put it on, he started to smell the cologne that was left on the coat. It wasn't strong nor light, it was perfect in Gons case.

He smelt it once more before falling into a deep slumber.

Killua noticed this and softly smiled, but it slowly faded as he remembered the date his father assigned him to attend tomorrow.

His eyes darkened at that. He clearly didn't want to go since he already had himself a lovely boyfriend.

'Should I tell the girl about it? Would she have her own preferences instead of me?

I'll have to see until tomorrow. For now on, I'll try to spend as much time with Gon and see what'll happen in the future.'

Once they arrived home, Killua turned his head towards Gon.

"Gon, wake up." Killua whispered, lightly shaking him. He didn't seem to budge as Killua thought of another plan.

"Babe, wake uup" Killua whined at the end, continuously shaking Gon lightly. This seemed to work as Gon got up fast, his face redder than a tomato.

"B-babe?!" Gon whispered loudly, making Killua chuckle at his cuteness.

"Of course, do you like it?" Killua asked Gon, cupping his face.

"If it's from Killua, t-then I do." Gon said, smiling at Killua in which he smiled back at him. He leaned in and kissed Gons cheek, pulling back shortly.

"Alright, lets go. Once I open your door, I'll pick you up and carry you over there. Be prepared since I run quite fast."

"O-okay.." Gon replied back, his blush remaining on him.

Once Killua turned off his car, he unbuckled himself and pulled up his hood, opening the door quickly and shutting it on his way out. Gon did the same, except the coat didn't have a hood.

Killua picked Gon up unexpectedly, making Gon yelp. He closed the door to the car and started to run quickly.

'He really is a fast runner' Gon thought while holding onto Killua. He smiled to himself, he felt safe in his arms no matter the circumstance.

Rain fell heavily on them but they didn't mind. Gon then rested his head onto Killuas chest so the rain wouldn't pour on his face. Killua felt this and slightly smirked, starting to run faster then before.

Once he made it, he quickly busted the door open and ran towards his room, locking it on his way inside.

"We're here, go take a warm bath then I'll see what clothes I could lend you for tonight."

"O-okay, thank you Killua" Gon smiled once more before entering the bathroom.

While he took a bath, Killua looked through his closet and found pajamas that no longer fit him.

He knocked on the door and heard a 'come in', signaling for him to come in.

"Here, you could use these. If you need anything, just call me."

"Okay, thank you once again"

Killua gave him a smile before closing the door, leaving Gon alone once again. He rested his head on the wall, recalling what had happened today.

'I'm glad we're together, but how am I going to pay her bills.. I could ask Killua- No, I'm being too selfish. Bringing Killua into my problems? Just what we're you thinking Gon..'

Gon thought while staring at the ceiling blankly.

'I'm probably taking too long, I should get going..'

Once Gon had dried himself off, he looked towards the counter to see a pair of cyan pajamas. He brushed his finger against it and stared at them in awe.

'They're made of silk.. so smooth.. so soft..'

Gon widely smiled before putting them on. He looked at himself in the mirror only to see that they fit him slightly big. He didn't mind though, he liked clothes like that.

He opened the door to see Killua on his bed using his phone. Killua noticed him and smiled, placing his phone down.

"Looks like my smallest clothes are you biggest." He smirked, taking a good look at Gon. Gon noticed this and blushed, shyly walking to Killua. He plopped himself beside Killua as his face submerged into a pillow. Killua laughed at this, pulling Gon onto his chest. He kissed his head and whispered, "Goodnight love.."

Gons face flushed more than before and smiled, snuggling his head onto Killua.




How is it already August 😟⁉️

But anyways, random question of the day: Samsung or apple?😽👌


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