☀︎︎Chapter 24☀︎︎

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Two days had gone by and Killua started to notice a change in Gon.

He saw how jumpy he was whenever he called him, even if it was from an afar distance. He also noticed how Gon would lack sleep and would always seem tired. One day when Killua kissed his forehead he felt a texture on his lips.

Curious, he wiped his lips and saw a poorly applied foundation on his sleeve. He wondered if Gon applied more so he wiped Gon's entire face and found him having visible eye bags.


He swiftly turns around, looking at the floor in shame.

"It's nothing Killua."

After that scene, he walked away, leaving a very worried Killua behind. He thought it was because they couldn't go on their date as he promised they would. He felt bad once he saw the look Gon gave before nodding his head in disappointment.

But the real question is why was Gon so gloomy and agonized?

Remember the hospital bills he had to pay? They called him three nights ago to tell him that the money was due on Wednesday. Today was Tuesday and he couldn't keep his mind straight with all the pressure he's carrying.

'I don't even have enough to pay half of the bill, yet they expect me to pay it fully? Even with the discount I still can't afford that..'

While Gon was overthinking, he bumped into someone. He blurted out a quick apology before getting pulled into a tight hug, making him yelp in surprise.

"Gah! Who are- .. Killua?" His eyes widened as Killua snuggled his head into his neck.

"Are you... ignoring me?"

"No! It's not that."

"Then?" Killua raised an eyebrow, still snuggled.

"...Can we talk about it in your room?"

"of course, whatever makes you comfortable"

They pulled away and started to walk to his room, hand in hand. Once they made their way inside, Gon ended up on Killuas lap. He snuggled onto him as Killua held his waist.

"So..? What actually happened throughout these past days?"

"Well, remember when it was raining out and I suddenly left? I actually went to the hospital to visit my aunt. The reason why is because she was in a coma for a long period of time."

Killua heard Gon sniffle, making him frown as he rubbed his back and whispered sweet words to his ear, calming him down.

"You wanna continue?" He softly whispered.

"Y-yeah.. I was about to leave until she woke up suddenly. This made me so happy that she was able to wake up after the coma she was in. B-but.. the hospital bills. They were too expensive, I could only pay less than half.

And they called me today saying the money was due Wednesday. I-I don't know what to do K-Killua, I'm stuck.."

After explaining to Killua the situation he was in, he started to cry on his shoulder, leaving his wet tears on his shirt.

"Shhh baby, it's okay. I will pay your bills, so you don't have to worry, okay? I'll also come tomorrow to meet your aunt, if that's okay with you."

"O-of course it's okay, thank you so much Killua, thank you.." He repeated as he hugged him tighter. Killua lifted his head and kissed his lips softly. Gon returned the kiss as they pulled away from their chaste kiss.

"God I love you so much" Gon said, smiling as he hugged Killua again.

"I love you more," Killua softly smiled.


Happy Mexican Independence day to all of my babes from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador! <3

Random question of the day: What's your ethnicity?


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