☀︎︎Chapter 29☀︎ ︎

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Banana fish :')

Hi, this is a happy chapter :)


"Annnnd done!" Killua smiles as he walks back to see his accomplishment. There lied alluka, tied up onto a chair with tape over her mouth to prevent her from making any noise. She's tried numerous times, but failed in all of her attempts.

They made eye contact for a few moments until Gon came into the room, holding two cups of coffee. He placed them down on his and gave Killua his.

"Here you go, extra sweetener. Just how you like it."

"Thanks love." Killua smiled while giving Gon a cheek kiss. He pulled back and took a sip from the cup before looking back at Alluka.

"There's some things I wanna ask you, Alluka. All I ask from you is to be truthful with me, please."

Alluka looked back at Killua and tried to shrug but couldn't due to how tight the ropes were on her.

"Imma go and get groceries. We are running a bit low on food." Gon walked to the coat hanger and wore his jacket, zipping it up all the way.

"Okay, be safe." Killua grinned at Gon. Gon waved goodbye and closed the door, leaving Killua and Alluka alone in the room. Killua walked up to her, removing the tape from her mouth before sitting back down.

"Damn! Finally you got rid of that tape from my mouth. Felt like a wax strip to be honest."

"This isn't why I removed the tape from your mouth." Killua face palmed, shaking his head before looking back at Alluka.

"Now, answer my main question. Why do you want Gone to be gone? And why do you hate him so much?"

Alluka looked blankly at the floor before looking out at the window.

"I envy him. Ever since you both met we've always been distant from each other. Seeing him makes you genuinely smile, laugh... I felt replaced."

Killuas eyes widened, he didn't expect to hear this. He felt horrible.

"I don't care what you do to me at this point. I won't show mom and dad the photos either. But.. Can I go to my room at least?"

At this point, Killua had tears in his eyes. He accepted her demand and let her go. But before she could leave, he brought her into a tight hug and apologized softly. She returned the hug and let her welding tears fall from her face, staining Killuas shirt.

'I'll never do that again.. I promise, big brother.'


Question of the day: when do you start your break?


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