☀︎︎Chapter 21☀︎︎

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As Killua heads downstairs, his eyes make contact with another pair of eyes. This time, they're unfamiliar. She had brown silky hair and green emerald eyes. She was dressed rather elegant than classy, but that's besides the point.

'She must be the girl my father set me up with. She is pretty I guess but Gon's way prettier,' Killua thought observing her. He walked up to them and stood beside his father, breaking eye contact and observing her mom.

Her mom was almost identical to her, except for the obvious wrinkles on her face that is. She had a ton of makeup worn on her face, making Killua cringe. Even he was grateful that his mom wasn't like her.

"Good morning~! My name is Mrs. Walker and beside me is my beautiful daughter Aniyah, Aniyah Walker~."

'Oh shit right I'm supposed to introduce myself to them.' Killua thought rather annoyed of her tuned voice.

"My name is Killua, Killua Zoldyck. It's a pleasure meeting the both of you today." Killua spoke while slightly bowing. He hated the part when he said it's a pleasure. The only thing he'll be pleasuring is himself when he pours cyanide into her coffee-

Well, that's what he plans on doing to her. He obviously isn't gonna marry her while being with Gon. That leaves one person to leave, and he'll make sure she'll leave permanently.

"Oh my, you're way prettier in person than the photos!" She squealed, running up to Killua and hugging him tightly.

'What the hell!? How does this hoe hug so tightly?!' He felt himself losing air as he just patted her head lightly, trying not to touch it as much as possible.

"If you excuse us, we'll be leaving for a cafe." he spoke, ending the hug so he could catch his breath for a moment.

"Okay, take as long as you'd like~! If there's anything going on, just let us know."Killua gave her a small nod before heading out with Aniyah. His hand was wrapped around her shoulder gently as she clinged onto his arm, feeling his well built shape in a daze.


"Sooo~, where are we headed?" Aniyah asked in Killuas car. He glanced over to her before looking back at the road.

"Well, I've decided to take you out to a cafe and get to know each other more there."

"Awh, okay.." The disappointment in her voice stood audible but Killua ignored it. He didn't care.

A few minutes go by as Killua began to park the car, making Aniyah look out in curiosity. The cafe in her opinion was a mix between modern and fancy, not too bad.

'He could've done better..'

"Were here" He announced, getting Aniyah out of her thoughts. She opens the door and hops off, walking to the door.

As a 'gentleman', Killua opens the door for her, making her lightly blush and smile. They both end up sitting at a booth, one on the opposite side of another. They both look at their menus, deciding on what to order.

"Hello! What may I get for you today?" The waiter asks, getting out her notepad and pen. They both place their orders, Killua getting a simple coffee and Aniyah getting coffee as well, but with a macaroon. The waiter nods and takes her leave, leaving the two of them in silence.

"So, how old are you?" Killua asked, to make time feel short, he decided to get a bit of information about her. What he was told, she didn't have a father growing up and had asthma. That made Killua grin, he could make a cover up and say she had an asthma attack.

'This is going by smoothly, can't wait until this is done.'

"Here are your orders" the waitress stated, handing their orders in which they gave her a simple 'thank you'.

"One moment, I'll have to go to the bathroom~!"

"Okay." As Aniyah walked to the bathroom door, Killua took the small container that had the poison and poured a lethal amount into her coffee and mixed it. Now all he had to do was wait until she arrived.

While he took a sip of his own coffee, Aniyah came right in time.

"I'm back! Sorry if I took long"

"No worries, you didn't."

Killua watched as she took the mug and sipped on it. He tried to hide his grin but failed miserably.

"Hm? Why are you smiling?" She asked, smiling back at him.

"Nothing, just in a good mood."

"Mkay, if you say so" She spoke before taking another sip. By this time, Killua just laid back and waited until she had the asthma attack-

*Cough cough*

Which happened now. He looked at her state and saw that she had watery eyes and coughed on her hand that was formed into a fist.

"Are you okay!? What happened?" Killua asked, falsely worried, staring at her condition more. He waited for a bit before yelling out:

"Someone! Call an ambulance!"

They did as he wanted too but by the time the ambulance actually came, it was too late.

She had already died and Killua couldn't be any more happier.



I'm not good at writing scenes like that so if it sucked i'm sorry-

Anyways, question of the day: What's your favorite emoji? 😲


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