☀︎Chapter 27 ☀︎

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Sorry if there's any misspell of some sort


As soon as Killua read the time reaching from 10:28, he caught a grip on his jacket and took his last glimpse of his boyfriend before leaving the room. What he wasn't aware of was that Gon was awake, just pretending to be asleep.

Gons POV:

As soon as Killua left, I knew I had to accompany him. But of course, I didn't want to be spotted. I searched through my closet and found an oversized black hoodie. I immediately put that on and decided to keep on the joggers I originally had on now. They were a dark shade of grey, but not completely black.

I looked outside and noticed how dark it was. It was beginning to snow as small snow flakes fell from the sky. I look back at my joggers and sigh.

'I guess they won't notice this color.. Alluka, just what are you planning.' I thought, furrowing my eyebrows. I decided to leave that thought aside and quickly put on my shoes before bringing my phone along.

While rushing, I thought of an elaborate plan that made me smile.

'Maybe I could use a voice recorder and record what Alluka has to say. That way, if she threatens Killua I have evidence against her. I'm a pure genius!'

As I continued to get closer, I started to notice figures among the patch. I quickly ran up to a wall, hidden from them. At this rate, I'm far from them yet I could hear their conversation clearly. I hit the red button on my phone as it starts picking up their conversation.

3rd person view:

"I'm here Alluka, what do you want."  Killuas tone sounded rather annoyed. Alluka rolled her eyes, looking around to see if there's any ear droppers. She hadn't found any yet, placing her attention on Killua once again.

"I want you to distance yourself from him."

Killua lowered his eye lids, already getting frustrated with what Alluka wants.

"And what'll make you think I'll do that."

"Well I was going to threaten you but..."


"I don't know where I was going with this. Here, check these interesting photos out and you tell me."

Alluka hands Killua a folder while smirking mischievously. Killua raised his eyebrow, looking at the front. He opens it and there layed, photos of them holding hands, kissing, and sleeping together.

Killuas eyes widened, ripping everything up immediately.

"How the hell did you.."

"Well, I couldn't have done it alone without the help of my best friend." Killua looked up at Alluka and saw a figure behind her. Alluka took a step aside and there revealed Nanika, looking to the side of the ground in shame.


Nanika flinched and looked at Killua in full sorrow. She tried to speak but alluka immediately cut her off.

"Now you might be wondering how she came back to me. Well, truth is Zushi helped me out and found a way to do so~. Now, will you reconsider my offer or would you want me to show these to mom and dad, hm?"

Alluka smiled widely, seeing her older brother in such a distressed place. She started to hysterically laugh as she wiped some tears from her eyes.

"You have 48 hours I tell me whether you'd like to or not. The choice is your."

And with that, Alluka left, leaving Killua stumped in his own place.

He cursed out loud before pulling his hair and falling onto the cold, snowy floor.

'Fuck, what am I gonna do?! I cant leave Gon like that. And I also can't have alluka expose me to our parents.'

Killua couldn't take it any longer as he angrily punched the ground, making his fist imprint onto the snow and ground.

Gon saw this and wanted to cheer Killua up but couldn't since it would give it away that he spied on them. Slowly, he left the area, his eyes welding in tears as one slowly rolled down his cheek.



Today's my dads birthday, woo.😕

Random question of the day: favorite plant?🪴 🌱


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