☀︎︎Chapter 7☀︎︎

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TW: There's going to be mention of abuse and sexual harassment. If you're disturbed, I'd recommend for you to click off.


Allukas POV:

As I lookout the window, part of me wants to call onii-chan. I decide to facetime him, since I wanted to see the mansion. I scroll through the contacts until I see one named 'Onii-chan😸⚡'.

Smiling at his contact profile, I click the little FaceTime icon and wait for him to answer.

*Riing, Riing.'

It continuously rings until it says 'call unavailable.'

This made me frown. He would always pick up and answer me back, why isn't he now?

Then it hit me.

Does he have a certain someone that's more important than me?

If he does, I'll gladly get rid of them.

No one else deserves onii-chan but me.

Me and me only.

The thought of that made me smile slightly, looking out the window once again.

Alluka: "How far away are we?"

Canary checks the time before locking eyes with the road. She came along as a driver since my parents were too lazy to drive us back.

Canary: "Around 8 hours. If we'll continue at this speed, we'll arrive around midnight."

I hum in response, trying to figure out who the 'important' person is. I feel my eyelids get heavy, slowly blinking as I fall asleep.

Killuas POV:

All day today, we've been on rollercoasters, eating snacks, and checking out the gift shop. Currently, were walking around to see what ride we haven't rode on.

Gon: "NeKillua, could we go on the ferris wheel?"

I look back at him and softly smile.

Killua: "Of course, let's go! Race ya!"

I chuckle, seeing Gon look dumbfounded at my sudden race.

Gon: "Eh- Wait what! Heyy no fair!" He yells out, barley catching up to me.

Of course, I won the race. I put on a cat grin, seeing Gon pant while holding his legs looking down.

Killua: "Neehee, I won!"

Gon: "You- *huff* only won because you- *huff* announced it randomly *huff*"

Killua: "Yeah yeah, but anyways. Are you ready to get on?"

He nods, getting up and stretching his legs.

Killua: "Alright, lead the way!"

Gon: Ookay! Follow me!"

We walk up to the ticket master, showing our wrists and him allowing us to get inside.

I take the left corner as Gon takes the right.

Suddenly, it starts to move. Giving us a better view of the area.

Gon: "Uwahh! It's so pretty! I should probably take aunt Mito here one day.." He whispered the last part, but I heard him loud and clear.

Killua: "Who is this aunt Mito you speak of?"

He looks back at me with a shocked expression. He probably thought I couldn't hear him.

Gon: "Y-you heard me!?"

The ferris wheel then stops, giving me time to come over toward his seat.

Killua: "Yup. And I want to know."

He looks down, unable to say anything.

I shigh, getting up and walking toward his seat, sitting down. I wrap my arm around his shoulder, catching his attention.

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

Killua: "Gon, I want to know so I could help you." I motion my hand toward his face and gently wipe off his tears.

He looks back down, opening his mouth slightly.

Gon: "She...was abused by my step-father. Every morning and every night.. He.. would also abuse me as well... sexually..."

He starts to tear up, pulling his hair.

Gon: "I JUST WANTED HER TO BE HAPPY. NOW SHE'S IN THE HOSPITAL AND I'M UNABLE TO PAY FOR HER MEDICAL BILLS!" He sobs even more, making me shed a tear as well.

I make Gon face me, pulling him onto my lap as I hug him.

Killua: "Gon.. It's going to be okay. You're not alone anymore.." I felt horrible. I never expected for him to go through so much.

I rub his back in a circular manner in attempt to calm him down more.

Gon: *Hiccup* T-thank you, K-killua.. It means a lot to m-me.." He hugs me back, resting his head onto my shoulder.

I smile slightly, hugging him tighter as i bring him closer to me.

Killua: "Anytime, Gon."

We stay like that for a moment until the ferris wheel starts to move.

Killua: "Have you calmed down a bit?" I gently whisper into his ear.

Gon: "Y-yeah.."

Killua: "Do you want me to let go of you?"

He slightly looks down, thinking of his answer before responding.

Gon: "N-no.."

I smile as I snuggle him more.

Killua: "Tell me when you want me to let go, alright?"

He nods before closing his eyes.

I couldn't have imagined for this to happen, but I'm not complaining.

I'm glad he got things off his chest.

I look out the window to see we're about to get off the ride.

Looking back, I see he's fallen asleep. His resting face made me smile warmly.

I carry him gently and get off, walking into the parking lot.

As I'm walking, I check my phone to see a missed call.

From who?

I look again and see it was from Alluka.

I bite my lip in frustration, thinking of an excuse to explain on why I didn't respond.

I come up with one and sigh.

Glad Gon had fun today, he really did seem happy...

Seeing his smile and laughter made me smile as well.

He's like a ray of sunlight..

I'll cherish him forever.


Sorry I haven't been posting recently.

But here's a new chapter!

Hope you enjoyed this!


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