☀︎︎Chapter 8☀︎︎

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Killuas POV:

I arrive back home, noticing they aren't home yet. For this night, I'll have Gon sleep in the guest room.

I don't want Alluka firing him.

It's true, I have noticed Alluka become jealous when I interact with other people. Back then, I was oblivious. But now, I completely understand what she's done.

She has killed the majority of my friends, making me give her more attention.

And I don't want her killing Gon when I least expect it.

Carefully, I take him to the room, setting him down and pulling the covers toward his shoulders.

Walking to the door, I take a glimpse of him. I smile and fully close the door, leaving me to wait for my family members.

In all honesty, I don't wanna see my family members. The majority of them are shit heads.

Take Milluki for an example. Snobby, eats every chip bag he sees, and a disciple of my mom.

Then there's Illumi. I don't think I need to explain on here so I'll head toward the next one.

My mom. Annoying, overprotective, exaggerates too much, and so on.

The only people I somewhat wanna see is my dad, Alluka and Kalluto. The rest could just die in a hole.

As I'm thinking about them, I hear a click in the front door.

Must be them.

Suddenly, the door opens wide open, revealing Alluka.

Alluka: "Onii-chan!"

SHe launches herself toward me, giving me time to catch her.

Killua: "Hi Alluka, I've missed you." I smile at the amount of energy she has.

Alluka: "I missed you too! I can't wait to tell you tomorrow all about the trip!" She giggles after her sentence, making me chuckle as well.

I set her down and sadly greet the rest of my family.

Once I was done, everyone went to bed, leaving me to be the only one awake.

I decide to go to sleep as well, but in my room.

I open my door and sigh. It's pretty gloomy without Gon.

I take clothes out from my closet, shower, and finally head to bed.

Killua: "Goodnight, Gon." I whisper before falling asleep.


"Do you have all of the evidence?"

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" The figure takes a look at the images, smirking mischievously.

"I can't wait to see Alluka-chans reaction of these pictures."



Sorry for a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!


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