☀︎︎Chapter 30☀︎ ︎

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Hiiii :D


From that day on, Alluka didn't bother both Killua and Gon as much as she used to. The two of them rented out an apartment and happily bought themselves a Siberian cat named Loki.

Gon occasionally works with the Zoldycks but mainly spends his time with Killua and his aunt Mito. They have not yet told Silva about the two of them dating, but they don't plan to. For now, they devote their time to their precious cat and each other.

Now, enjoy this little Christmas Skit thingy I thought of while writing this!

Gons POV:

Today is the day where Killua and I come over to Kurapika and Leorios house to celebrate Christmas with them! I'm honestly excited to see them because I haven't seen them since I last went to the Zoldycks residence. And that was over a month ago.

While I'm looking at myself in the mirror, I feel arms wrap around my waist. I look over to my shoulder to see Killua, smiling.

"Hey.. you look stunning." I smile at his compliment as I turn to him and hug him back, melting in the scent of his cologne.

"Oh please, you're the main attraction here, and always will be."

"Hm? Why so?"

"Because whenever we go out, there isn't at least a group of girls lusting over you! I should start making you wear a pin that says 'I'm GAY.'"

Killua chuckled at this idea as he lifted my face to look at him. At this point, I was blushing as I stared at him, clearly mesmerized by his enchanting looks.

"It sounds to me like if you're jealous~"

"Who wouldn't if they were in that scenario-" I was cut off by a soft pair of lips, kissing me gently. I gave in and kissed back, enhanced by this feeling. Things escalated as Killua rubbed on my waist in a circular motion, claiming my mouth more. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting more.

He suddenly licked my bottom lip, asking for access. I was about to open my mouth until I heard my ringtone. This made me pull back as I went over to my phone to check who it was.

'Oh, it's Kurapika!'


"Hello Gon, Leorio and I were wondering when you guys were gonna come over? We have everything ready already."

"Oh Okay! We'll be right over there in around 15 minutes, bye!" I hung up as I looked over to Killua smiling.

"Who was it?"

"Kurapika! He says that we can come over already."

"Hmmm, okay."

We walk over to our coat hanger and put on our coats. I grab the presents we have for them and look over to Loki lying on the sofa.This brings a smile to my face as I pet him one last time and leave the area with Killua.

Time Skip to where they arrive

I walk in front of their door and knock. The moment I pull back my fist, the door swings open revealing a very happy Leorio.

"Hey kiddo!"

"Hi Leorio!!" I embrace him in a hug as he pets my head. I look back at the enterance and see Kurapika.

"Kurapika!" I pull back from the hug and go to hug Kurapika. He smiles softly as he hugs me back.

"Hello Gon"

"Hi Layoreo"

"It's Le or io, not whatever the hell that was!" Leorio sulks while shaking hands with Killua. Killua smirks as he walks over to Kurapika.

"Hey Kurapika"

"hello Killua"

They both extend their arms and shake hands. I quickly remember the presents and run to the car. I open it and grab the two bags sitting on the seats. I close the door and run back to them, handing it to them.

"Thank you Gon" they both said in unison as they curiously looked at the gift bag.

"Can we go inside..? It's kinda getting chilly out."

"Oh right! I'm sorry." Kurapika apologizes as he lets us in.

Later on

I wasn't sure what was happening but Leorio got drunk by the Vodka Killua brought. I don't drink alcohol because I usually can't stand it. Killua did drink, but he's immune to the side effects, and Kurapika only drank a shot, making him pretty sober.

"Are you gonna let Leorio dance around like this orr..." Killua asked, seeing Leorio suddenly stand up and dance like a ballerina.

"Why not? It's pretty amusing." Kurapika smirked. I chuckled at them, and yawned. Killua noticed this as he approached me.

"Wanna go back home?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired." I whispered back, yawning again.

"I think it's about time Gon and I take our leave." Killua spoke, looking at Kurapika.

"Oh okay, bye! Merry Christmas"

"merry christmas! Bye" I waved at him and looked at Leorio passed out on the floor. I chuckle one last time before hopping on the car and heading home.

Once we arrived, Killua and I exchanged gifts we got each other. I got Killua a new set of earrings and a watch as he got me a cute dinosaur sweater and a necklace.

We picked up the wrapping pieces and cuddled on the sofa with Loki besides us. I smile one last time before falling into a peaceful slumber.


I guess this is the end for this book, eh?

Sorry if the ending sucked, I was kinda running out of ideas and this was the best idea I got. Thank you for reading up to here, I really appreciate it. :)

Starting next week (sooner or later idk) I'll start publishing a new chapter for my other book roommates, so stay tuned for that!

Also, THANK YOU FOR 50K READS!!!!! :'D

Random question of the day: Do you celebrate Christmas?


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