☀︎︎Chapter 16☀︎︎

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But anyways, I'm slowly becoming more motivated, I'm lowkey proud of myself😯 anyways, enjoy this 📽📽


As the two of them enjoyed each others presence, Killua broke the silence and told Gon what happened between him and his father.

Gon: "So.. next week you'll-"

Killua: "Yeah.."

Gon: "Do you want to get married with her..?"

Killua looked at Gon as if he was out of his mind. Did he not hear how fed up he was about the forced marriage?

Killua: "Eh?! Of course not! I don't even know who she is!?"

Gon: "Killua! Calm down for a bit. I know you're enraged by these decisions your father's made but please, calm down and relax a bit for today, please?" Gon pleaded.

Killuas eyes widened as he looked into Gons eyes to see him looking at him with a concerned look.

They looked into each others eyes for what seemed like hours until Killua looked away.

Killua: "He even knows that I'm not interested, let alone, in love with someone else.."

Gon was unable to say anything at the moment as his world stopped.

'Killua.. he..

Loves someone else.'

He swallowed thickly, feeling as if his heart got shattered into a million pieces.

He wanted to cry, but how could he cry when the person he loves is in front of him?

Killua: "Gon... are you okay?" Killua softly asked. Gon regained consciousness as he heavily sighed.

Gon: "Yeah, I just remembered I have something to do at this moment. I'll see you around, Killua."

Killua: "Wait where are you going? The butlers and maids could handle whatever you have to do so please, don't go.."

Killua didn't want Gon to leave, especially when he's at his breaking point.

Gon lowered his head, tears slowly coming out of his eyes.

Gon: "I'm sorry.." He responded in a brittle voice, opening the door and closing it on his way out, leaving Killua on his own.

Killua couldn't believe it. Gon actually left him.

Killua: "Gon.. why.."

He couldn't hold it any longer as all of his bottled up emotion went loose.

He cried, hardly.

He didn't understand. Why did it hurt so much to be left by someone you love.

Meanwhile with Gon, he sat outside the forest, staring at the running stream of water blankly.

He didn't know what to do at this point, continue the job or quit. He couldn't bear to see Killua again after being told he loves someone else.

'But Aunt Mito..'

That's when his eyes widened.

Aunt Mito.. maybe if he visits her, he'll forget about this..

He smiles, remembering the funny things they've done together.

'Then it's decided. I'll pay Aunt Mito a visit..

I'm sorry Killua, but I'll be taking my leave now..'



Random question of the day: What's your favorite anime?☃️


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