☀︎︎Chapter 18☀︎︎

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Currently too lazy to check any spelling errors🥸

Anyways, enjoy 🫂


Killua: "Gon...where were you, why'd you leave?" Killua asked desperately, tightening his grip so Gon wouldn't escape.

Gon: "I-I.. just went out on a walk.." Gon stuttered, he didn't want Killua to get involved in his problems.

Killua: "Tell me the truth, Gon."

Gon: "W-why would you care?! This is m-my responsibility, not yours.." Gon tried to pry Killua off, but he wouldn't budge. He only tightened his grip more.

Killua: "Because I want to help you with whatever your going through. Can't you help me do that?" Killua couldn't bear seeing him like this. Especially after he left abruptly.

Gon: "Why.."

Killua: "Why what..?"

Gon: "Why are you being so nice to me.. Let alone look for me when I left.. why." Gon stuttered as his lips quivered.

Killua: "There's a reason on why I'm doing these things."

Gon: 'A-and that is?" Gon asked.

Killua pulled away from the hug and looked into Gons hazel eyes as Gon looked into his sapphire eyes. He leaned in closer to Gon and placed his lips onto Gons.

It felt as if the world around them stopped, savoring each others lips in sync. Thunder was to be heard in the background but they didn't care. All they could think about is one another.

But of course, this moment couldn't last forever as they both pulled apart gasping for air.

Killua: "I..I love you Gon, I really do." Killua whispered within his breaths. Gons eyes widened as a small smile formed onto his lips. He rested his head onto Killuas chest while rain started to pour from above.

Gon: "I love y-you too" He whispered back making Killua smile widely. He hugged Gon back as the two of them stood in the rain, enjoying each others warmth.


"Honey, aren't you excited to see your husband next week?"

"Of course! If I'm not mistaken, his name is Killua Zoldyck, right?"

"Yep! Have you seen his face yet?"


"Here" The moment she saw his face, her face flushed deep red. It was a picture of him turned slightly, making his jawline visible, he had on a beach shirt that was half way buttoned making his abs visible. The scenery was at a beach during golden hour, making the photo even better.

"Woah.. he's so fucking hot." She mumbled taking the phone from her mom.

"Aniyah, language! But he indeed is an attractive man for you. He is around your age and has 5 siblings including himself.

I'm not too sure on his sexuality but I'm sure the moment he sees you, he'll be drooling all over you."

Aniyah: "Of course, who wouldn't want me? Now if you excuse me, I'll be going to my room." She announced, running towards her room.

'So that's the guy who I'll be marrying. I really don't mind, he's a fucking hottie, let alone his fluffy hair and abs. Oh and those piercing blue eyes- fuck! I cant wait to meet him' Aniyah thought while smiling widely.

'I'll see you soon, my love~'


Oops, I did it again

Random question of the day: what's your eye color?👁


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